2020 Vision - Episode 48

We are back for our first episode of season two and we've crammed in more content than ever before!  

We're talking Pokemon, LABO VR, Super Mario Maker 2, Aviary Attorney, Cadence of Hyrule, Speaking Simulator and so, so much more.  We've got loads of new releases, huge 2020 rumours and predictions from big industry names, new DLC for huge titles and a brand new quiz hosted by our very own Al.

All this, plus we announce our competition winner for the Tetris 99 + 12 month subscription Twitter prize!

We've got all our Patreon details too and you can visit this page for more info.

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Transcription [BETA]

Mike Macdermid 0:13  

Hello and welcome to episode number 48 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast. It's also the start of season two. I'm Mike


Anton Winters 0:23  

IMO. And I am Anton. Yes, we


Mike Macdermid 0:26  

are back for for a brand new season a brand new year. We're all very excited about it. Before we get started, we've got a lot to talk about. We've got the competition to get our winner for we've got the games we've been playing. We've got some some news about what we've been doing in between the last episode of season one and now. And before we do all that, Alistair, we've got a slightly different way of record recording tonight.


Al Struthers 0:51  

It has very much be one of those days. We've had technical difficulties, shall we say both in terms of technology being difficult and shedule has been difficult and just life getting in the way. So I'm currently not sitting beside you for the first time ever when we've been recording this. I know my dining room you are


Mike Macdermid 1:07  

and you're going to be using, you're gonna be using your phone to record so we're


Al Struthers 1:11  

using an iPhone, so I'm hoping to this sounds okay.


Mike Macdermid 1:13  

Yeah. So in other words, what we're saying is forgive us if there's some slight issues with the audio, we will do our best to keep it I'll try and do my best to put it all together as well as I can. It's a one off we'll find another solution. should this happen again. But Anton First of all, before we get started, and we're going to do the competition in just a moment, we're going to talk about what we've been playing season two, we've had a really nice start for our Patreon.


Anton Winters 1:38  

Yeah, we've if you're not aware, we've started a brand new Patreon. We've got a dedicated special that we just done last week going over all the nitty gritty, and you can get a bunch of whole new information on our website at NSU t p.co.uk. forward slash support bash us and chemicals all down there and yet people have been jumping on their way What just been so humbling


Mike Macdermid 2:01  

it's awesome it's been amazing and what we will be doing is be we'll be running through our our patrons and just giving them a name check at the start of the episodes just to keep it nice and quick so that we're not losing valuable time but this week obviously just an extra big big thanks to those that have already signed up to support us because it is such an amazing thing to do really is I mean, it might only be $1 or $3 or the equivalent of that in pounds for you guys per episode but for us that makes such a difference and you know, we'll really try and fulfil all our promises Alastair as well going forward. We will means we're recording a fair bit of extra content that will be sending out and we will be doing that on a freely or very regular basis weekly. don't quite know how we're going to manage it. We might have to put a few in the can chaps. Yeah, no, we'll be fine. We'll figure out a way I think what I'll do now just very briefly, and you can correct me if I've missed anyone else. Obviously, it's week one. And normally you'd be sitting beside me to keep me right but as you're not, I just want to say a big thanks to our patrons. so far. So they are Richard Hall, de Paris, Dixon, Grant Mitchell Whitehead so thank you very much to all of you guys for your amazing support and to everyone else for listening obviously everybody that listens to the podcast whether you're a patron or not but particularly to the patrons who have already decided to back us and do check us at NSU key p.com or you can join us at the website and deeds for slash support dash oz it has all tears and it will walk you through everything and I can also show also show you the costs that go into the podcast for more so looking to just cover the costs.


Anton Winters 3:38  

We're not looking to buy that first you're I think the offer for as


Mike Macdermid 3:44  

only that was true. But no, that is it's all about covering the costs and trying to make sure that we can keep going forward and and do cool things like competitions, which is exactly what we did. We decided to give away a physical copy of Tetris, 99 and 12 months Nintendo Switch online membership which comes with Obviously, and all you have to do is follow us and retweet on Twitter on our Twitter page, which is ns UK podcast on Twitter. The deadline has no past I stupidly had a typo on Twitter where I said we didn't announce the winner and season two, episode one, which is this one on the 16th of January 2020. Now, we all know that that is not the date that we're recording. It's the 12th. So that was a typo. But luckily, my end date was earlier today at five o'clock. So that is now past it's now 8:52pm as we are recording, so we're past that. So what we've done, Alistair, I've put all the names into an online random name, competition picker winner type thing. So basically, we put all the names of everyone that retweeted it on there. And then we'll press the button and it will give us a random result and it could be anywhere in the world.


Al Struthers 4:49  

That sounds incredibly high tech Mike, I thought you're gonna put a little bits of paper, check them in a bowl and Megan was draw them Oh,


Mike Macdermid 4:54  

I was too busy spending time trying to fix technical issues to have even a thought of that. So what I've done in Is this let me share the screen with both of you. So you can, you can both the charm. Can you see there it says online random name picker.


Anton Winters 5:08  

And David Yes, fancy fancy.


Mike Macdermid 5:11  

And over here we've got all the names I've kind of typed in. Most of them are the names the that you've picked on your kind of username and Twitter. Some of them are the actual name that you've got displayed. It just depends pores easier to, to know that it's us. So what we'll do is, there's a button here where it says pick a random name winner. So when you're both ready, just to make sure that we're doing this together. I'm gonna hit start, we're gonna find a winner. Do you want to have a go?


Anton Winters 5:35  

All right, let's, let's see, see who gets it.


Mike Macdermid 5:39  

All right, let me hit the button. Then. Here we go. It's now randomly picking a number. This is quite exciting. Can you see the names flashing by there?


Al Struthers 5:46  

Yeah, they're jumping around. That is very awesome.


Mike Macdermid 5:48  

Right. Congratulations. We have a winner. Well done. Helen. Helen Sheridan is our winner. So Helen Sheridan, who retweeted and followed our page on Twitter. has just won a copy of Tetris. 99. So let's make sure that we've got that name written there, we're gonna find out, find Helen on Twitter and we'll send her a message and we'll announce this on Twitter over the next few days as well just so that people can see it all written down and know that it's there so well done to hell. And we're gonna hopefully do another competition at some point, Alistair, be nice to do another giveaway because it is kind of fun.


Al Struthers 6:21  

Well, that's very much the idea. And once we get some money rolling in from the picture, which is now looking like we might have a bit of holding, holding money. That's not what I meant as a bit of competition


Unknown Speaker 6:32  



Al Struthers 6:34  

We can I think we can offer some prizes and hopefully regular basis, but let's see how high the Patreon goes. Meantime, we'll need to put our noggins together and decide what we might want to give out as prizes.


Mike Macdermid 6:44  

Yeah, absolutely. I want to say though, that's why we want to change the bank details from being Alister in charge because he's obviously using this for holiday money and not using any of the money for the podcast. Oh,


Al Struthers 6:54  

terrible. was supposed to keep quiet and secret. For goodness sake. But no.


Mike Macdermid 6:59  

If you want See the brain delicous head to the website it's NSU Kp Dakota UK right then we've done we've done the Patreon, the patrons in the Patreon stuff. We've also done the competition. So I think we should talk about what we've been playing over Christmas and what kind of switch gaming or what time we've had to do some switch gaming festival. Anton, what have you been? What have you been doing? Oh, I've been


Anton Winters 7:23  

doing a little bit and I was travelling a lot with some broken joy cons, which I have actually managed to do a self repair on. Surprisingly, yeah, I was interesting, careful understanding where the issue of joy con drift cars by the fxi are wrong, because that's a completely different problem. And you just can one I suppose. But nevertheless, I've been playing so much roguelikes a roguelikes. He's been my go to. I believe I mentioned that in the last podcast that I've done a lot. We live stream off that yesterday. Yes. Yes. So fun. If you see it for cheap. Maybe not pay the nine pounds but I picked up for about three pounds fantastic pick up a paper play tail tonnes of fun and I gave done while ago which That one's got the the vertical modes which it's kind of interesting it really makes me want to get one of those flip grips and picked up catana zero what chair then leave as much of a lasting impression on me as it did with the reviewers and and then supercharge It was another big one where it's a co op game I don't know if you guys are familiar with it.


Mike Macdermid 8:29  

I think I might actually have it possibly so we can maybe try the coop if you want to if I've got I have to look through my collection because unfortunately I'm the kind of idiot that buys games and then forgets about them. So yes, I've heard of it though. Yeah, and


Anton Winters 8:42  

it was very much the similar one where I was hanging out with a friend I'm like, Oh, well it's this let's give it a go and yeah, it's an ALRIGHT calm game. It's It's nothing to write home about, but I think probably I should have done yourself make up you can't come You can't complain.


Unknown Speaker 9:00  

Why about it? Yeah


Anton Winters 9:04  

How about yourself else or if you've been playing much


Al Struthers 9:06  

I have been playing a lot more than normal actually and I have been tripling it so you're gonna end I'm going to play so I finally completed Pokemon let's go Eevee done dusted I've now given it back to 11 year old girl I bought it from back in August


Mike Macdermid 9:18  

thank goodness for that wasn't before


Al Struthers 9:20  

time. I know I feel so guilty by that it does now back with his rightful owner. I then borrowed links awakening from my next door neighbour completed that within a week gave that back to him very happy with that and and I want to Louie just mentioned three,


Mike Macdermid 9:33  



Anton Winters 9:35  

my Christmas to where you are and start stealing all these games. That sounds like fun. It's helpful knowing people. And actually,


Al Struthers 9:41  

I've got to say now that we have patrons, my friend list looks a lot longer because one of the things we're giving to our patrons is our gamer tag. And we can now share with our patrons just how much or little we are really playing games. Yeah, I


Mike Macdermid 9:54  

tell you, what we'll maybe do is just for those that didn't hear our intro to our Patreon. What we'll do is We will do just a wee update on what you get just before in between our announcements and news and then before our rumours we'll just do a very quick one minute recap of what you get as well. So we'll do that a little bit later on in this episode for those that missed it last week and occasionally will mention it as well just just because it's still early days with that ladies mansion then so I'm going to talk about that in a minute because I've also been playing Are you enjoying it so far? I'll stir.


Al Struthers 10:23  

I am enjoying it so far. I'm playing court mode with my other half who has never really gained before so it's great fun and cool up I will be more fun coping if I didn't spend most of the time to gritting my teeth going and so simple just move the contractor over there. No over there and press the X button. No, the X button, but we're getting there and it's good fun. The game is good.


Unknown Speaker 10:46  

Very nice.


Al Struthers 10:47  

About you then Mike, what have you been playing? Because you've done a lot of game haven't you?


Mike Macdermid 10:51  

yet? Well, mostly again, like most like both of you. Actually. I've played more than I normally do. But that maybe isn't as much as some people get to because obviously you know I haven't had much of a break over Christmas in terms of work I had Christmas Day and Boxing Day Off officially and was over both of them so that was slightly frustrating but I have had more time and I have taken much more time off during those days to to work at to work to play to play games the opposite of work and so I managed to finish this liberation Assassin's Creed liberation and fairness thoroughly enjoyed that I would recommend that on the of the first Assassin's Creed three and liberation pack I would recommend that as one to to play through because it's not overly long and it's also really solid it's a it's a video game originally but it's really well done on the switch it runs better than the veto version having played the v2 version not completed it but I completed it this time. So recommend that and actually I had a question on the Twitter page from souls like gamer who was asking about the glitches in Assassin's Creed three and liberation was that enough to put you off the game for me know if you've not got it and another system and you can pick it up cheap. I think that's absolutely fine. The glitches They're not they're not gamebreaking they're annoying there's a couple of audio things that annoy me and a couple of kind of pops and things and certainly the Black Flag the rebel collection is infinitely better and much more optimal optimised for switch so I recommend that above it but if you haven't played three and you want to play it and switch is your only option fine go for it because that's what I'm doing. And souls like gamer also said I meant to mention this early I have to say by far my favourite podcast is NSU key podcast great work guys good luck for season two hashtag Nintendo Switch so I think in return we can say give souls like gamer a fourth on Twitter as well because he sometimes puts up some some really interesting gaming news as well so it's worth checking them out too. So thank you so much for that a little bit of mutual respect also games so liberation, what else have I played? I've also been play been playing Valhalla, the cyberpunk bar, novel visual novel type game I don't know if either of you familiar with that at all.


Anton Winters 12:54  

That this is completely outside my rank. How shall we say it will? What he what what does that all entail?


Mike Macdermid 13:00  

So you basically play a bartender in a dystopian cyberpunk style future with different customers coming in every day with different stories it's quite some of it's quite grown up but I would suspect it's probably got an 18 certificate on it, I don't know 70 or whatever the rating is. But it's it's a mix of stuff and mix a story. Some of them are famous singers some of the people coming in have got political issues whether that they're dealing with other people come into work and newspapers and all sorts of things. And it's it's a it's a visual novel, but you also mixed drinks for them as well and depending what drinks you mix that will guide the story in certain directions and things so I'm enjoying it I'm really enjoying this style. It's very relaxing. It's also a late night thing I think if you if you're not into a kind of narrative, there's probably no point in playing this because it is all about the narrative. There are a couple of options to do certain things in it, but I enjoy it. I got it in the sale. The recent huge sale Nintendo did on the shop, which was amazing. And then the other game I've been playing Which I thoroughly recommend is Luigi mansion, three because it has no become my favourite all time Co Op game, Alistair. And I'm also also playing this with my other half. But she's better gaming than me by far. So she's been doing all the really tricky bosses that I've had trouble with. And I've just kind of sat there frustratedly losing my temper with it, but I have to say on the whole, I haven't felt that it's not like with overcooked I love overcooked but it's frustrating this. I only feel frustrated No. And then and it's usually the bosses that I am I kind of game rage with. And to be honest, they're not that difficult. It's more a case of like doing a lot of search. We're collecting everything. So we're on floor 11 I think we've been playing for about 11 hours, but we really are collecting the law. And then we're going to go back and do the lot but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It's a game that gets better as it goes on. So I think you're on where are you at the moment in the game master?


Al Struthers 14:54  

Well, the beginning the game and jumps around a bit. So I think you went for something like 41252 I think


Unknown Speaker 14:58  

it was four three,


Al Struthers 14:59  

I think That's where I am. But yeah, fairly early on in the game but not long garden Guruji so the gooey thing is don't you? I'm just defeated a hilarious go sleep security guard.


Mike Macdermid 15:08  

Oh yeah. Okay. Okay, so what I found was the levels do something really clever, where every time obviously there's different themes in each floor of the building, but you've probably figured that out already. That's not giving away too much. But what it does really well i think is it keeps your interest because every time it gives you something new. So Anton, I thoroughly recommend if you want a real good Co Op experience, this for me is a lot of fun and I love the way that you don't get given everything immediately you have to work for it. So they'll still be things that you don't have yet but you will get as


Al Struthers 15:42  

well there's there's things I can see that cannot figure out to get my figure that's going to come later on.


Mike Macdermid 15:46  

That's right. Yeah, not I'd recommend Anton hugely


Al Struthers 15:51  

Well, I've been really impressed with and I wasn't expecting to be so impressed with this


Mike Macdermid 15:55  

is the graphics in it and because there's a cartoony kind of a game it's not something you think oh blew me away but the detail and the subtlety in the way it's been done It's really impressive and it actually gets better and again I can say that with confidence that you will be blown away by some of the later floors that you get to there's some incredible floors and it's just such a good game I'm so glad because did it not a win on our game? Our was our game of the wasn't the game of the year it wasn't game of the year but it was no one one of our categories in our awards, didn't it?


Unknown Speaker 16:25  

Yeah, I can't recall which one it was most anticipated.


Mike Macdermid 16:28  



Anton Winters 16:31  

I will. I guess we'll just need go back and rewatch that website. Excellent on our web


Al Struthers 16:36  



Anton Winters 16:37  

Yeah, I think amazing. I was watching one of the Digital Foundry videos and analysis I think was of Super Mario 3d world and it's just amazing that yet whole simplistic all of these Nintendo games are there do so much little self things, whether it be lighting or shadows or let we like, like particles just like miles moustache, that tells adds that little bit of extra polish that quite frankly, if your design of the game you probably wouldn't really think to allocate resources to arts.


Mike Macdermid 17:09  

Yeah, I know it's a really stunning, stunning game and it feels solid Alistair as well it feels quality like the whole thing. You don't feel any point that they've cut any corners with it. You feel like they've really thought about every little thing. And the interaction as well. When you when you interact with certain things. You think, Oh, god, that's not going to do it. Oh, no, it does. Or there's something happening there. And that continues on as well. So if you're enjoying it now, I think you're going to love where it goes.


Al Struthers  17:33  

So I think what we're saying here is we're giving you two sums up and heavily endorsing cheese mentioned three corn


Mike Macdermid 17:40  

took me by surprise how good it was that split it that way. And I was looking forward to it anyway. All right, look, let's fire through because we have loads of kids here. I think we've got one of the biggest lists I've ever seen in my life. And I know you cut it down to one as well.


Anton Winters 17:51  

I really felt bad going through and I'm like, this is some of these entire life and career and we're not even going to mention it but well nonetheless. Supercell got plenty to chat about.


Mike Macdermid 18:02  

Exactly. And the good news is if you are one of our patrons, you will get more episodes from us with some of the stuff we've missed at this time, you'll get extra stuff but if you're not, you're going to get the same as last season. So let's move on and talk about this week's news.


Unknown Speaker 18:17  

So first of all, via


Mike Macdermid 18:19  

Vyacheslav good to have


Anton Winters 18:21  

good pronouncing I have


Mike Macdermid 18:25  

no idea but how has it No it's never again it's a new first person horror game with puzzle solving and exploration elements it comes out at the end of this month. Alistair What's your thoughts? I know you're not much of a horror game fan but what's your kind of first impressions


Anton Winters 18:39  

of terrified


Al Struthers 18:42  

first person holder I'm scared already an old red is those words? No, I'm sure I students I don't know much about Russian pronunciation. Insert there don't know Yeah, not a clue. I haven't really heard in the budget. It's not really period of my radar. What about you until


Mike Macdermid 18:56  

I believe this was their first


Anton Winters 18:58  

titles I've ever done a Luke sign From what I've seen over it seems to be a very PT inspired game. If you've played any of you like that, like tamela violently dead a couple years ago. You're in a house. It's lonely. Very just like what's going on. It's like you're running dumb and then you get a jump scare and you have to fight it. It's more fragile, if you know what I mean.


Mike Macdermid 19:20  

Yeah, those games are all always more scary though than the kind of jump scare stuff because the tension You know, you're waiting and waiting for something to happen and then suddenly, suddenly, it's out of nowhere and it's not even necessarily something big happening. It's a noise or, or a movement or something. So it sounds terrifying to me it'll be interesting to see more that PT demo forgot all about that Anton are


Anton Winters 19:40  

so good. I find it funny cuz I played that game on the the PSP of your remote play. And I felt like it was optimal game to rather and playing on the big TV just playing it with a blanket over your head. So this actually seems like a fairly good tale. And all of this. Yeah, PT was supposed to be like a test bed or something like this title. Hill game and D that was the next big title by kijima before he got fired and it was meant to be Silent Hills are Norman Rhea spot yeah they had their back follow he went off to found his own studio and the game got sadly cancelled which is a true shame.


Mike Macdermid 20:17  

Yeah, yeah, well we'll we'll keep an eye and see what people are saying when that comes out. It's the 30th of January so not that long to wait next up rebellion have announced that it's bringing zombie army trilogy to Nintendo Switch in 2023 story campaigns and a horde mode. This is a game that's previously been on PC and it's a spinoff from Sniper Elite v2 I believe Anton


Anton Winters 20:37  

and D that said essentially these games have Kendall parallel to the Sniper Elite franchise Kalfa and a similar way to similar vein to the gameplay of culture zombies, but you get a fill campaign and the Horde mode. I think this could actually be a really great title lamb I think the sniper league games on switch have been well portrayed pop fairy tales. I think after going in there and they're bundling all three of these games together 30 pounds for a trilogy of First Person Shooters could be a good really good buy and it's all built off a solid free mark. No Yeah, I mean, those games on the


Al Struthers 21:17  

pricing will be interesting because they've been on Xbox and PlayStation since 2015.


Mike Macdermid 21:22  

Yeah, yeah. I mean I think it's it's a potentially it could find its home on on the switch because I think this as you said, on the Sniper Elite games, you know, I think they're solid titles anyway, and I have to say, I haven't looked at this. I've got hopes that this will be another good one. We do need more first person shooter type titles on the switch. In my opinion, I think we I still haven't found one that I've gone. Yeah, that's gonna make me go back and really, you know, back in the days of Halo or Gears of War, or whatever, you know, I think we really need the Alistar I think we need that kind of group game or something that we can you know, the Horde mode and this might be might be at the story company. I don't know where it's going to go because I haven't played the games. But I do. feel like we need more of these kind of games?


Al Struthers 22:01  

Yeah, we do need our killer first person shooter. It doesn't doesn't really exist out there. Yeah, there's a few contenders but none of them have really taken the title.


Mike Macdermid 22:09  

Yeah, I don't think this is gonna take the title. But I think this is going to have an audience. And if it's solid, it might encourage more, which is always a good thing as well. Right? Let's move on to the next one cuz we have a lot to talk about. So I want to fire through these and we have our new quiz By the way, I'm very excited about that.


Unknown Speaker 22:23  

Don't be Don't be.


Mike Macdermid 22:26  

Anyway, Next up, we've got Nintendo have announced and released Christmas. They've actually you know, Christmas doesn't come back once a year it comes out twice, but only if you're in Japan and it's free and it's a level VR game, where he plays Santa and go through a chimney. That sounds hilarious. Alice


Unknown Speaker 22:46  

Have you ever wise I've ever wanted to be Santa.


Al Struthers 22:49  

Always been fortunate. My frame is somewhat as far as far removed from Santos as physically possible to get the short fat man me tall, thin, but they need


Mike Macdermid 22:56  

to pay about 10 hours to create any illusion of it being Santa Anton, what about you? Get a look at this yet I have


Anton Winters 23:01  

it looks it looks like some dumb fun and you know I can impression with a lot of these let we level VR many games have been putting on Japan It was like test demos that never made it to feel game health wish like what could this feel of game could have been but nonetheless we'll never know and then they've also announced another game which I have no idea how to pronounce I'm going to go with all me commit to me oh yeah sorry


Unknown Speaker 23:27  

It looks very to me


Anton Winters 23:28  

once I gain another free level VR game only in Japan but this one sir. Calif basically just like a fortune cookie game where you shake the joy corn and trough fortune cookie, button VR, America.


Mike Macdermid 23:44  

Listen, it's free and it's level VR. So you know, get yourself on the Japan store, I guess and have a go and see if you've got level VR. It's worth. It's worth a look right next up. I think this is great news. And I know that Alster you'll be delighted with this but I think you both were of Hyrule crypt of the necrodancer, which is one of the hits of the last year or so. We're getting some new free DLC, it's open tables old, which I think is just fantastic that we're getting this Anton. Yeah, this was one I never saw coming


Anton Winters 24:15  

because I'm from my recollection, I don't think we ever got DLC for the regular crypt of the necrodancer. So and, you know, that's that's that Nintendo money shaming for and I wonder if they're going to be a full game anymore because the game hasn't been out that long. And we just have to wait and see, I guess.


Mike Macdermid 24:35  

Yeah, it's one that has said so much praise Allaster. And, I mean, it's it's great that we have essentially we have a whole new Zelda game on in a different format, and one that maybe Nintendo wouldn't have gone down that route themselves. Had they been in charge of this, you know, it's obviously it's a crossover. So I you know, it's great that it's that


Al Struthers 24:56  

this really was a really interesting hybrid, isn't it? Yeah, it's very much a Christian. accelerometer game is crypt of the necrodancer all the way through, but in the world of Zelda Zelda music it's just cool I love that idea in fact we were getting free DLC it's always a good thing it's something that switch is becoming really quite necessarily benefiting from it so it's a major bonus a lot of our games get free DLC


Mike Macdermid 25:17  

Isn't it funny that we're Nintendo is probably the worst when it comes to online just as a general rule at the moment Nintendo is a little slow it in terms of you know the online stuff but when it comes to the DLC stuff actually there's been a few wins recently and I think this is another one


Anton Winters 25:35  

of their their stop stock investor guys must think they're like they're making horrible online but at the same time they're giving away for free This is horrible business.


Mike Macdermid 25:43  

Yeah, it's the worst business sense ever. But you know keep giving us free, free DLC for decent titles will be happy. Next up Katie racing, having Tc eila man right on the edge to coming up quarter 120 20 was brand new physics and the roads even have subtle bumps now. Which your tears respond to these games? They always look quite solid these titles, Anton.


Anton Winters 26:09  

Yes. So offsets, you know when you play a pool game, and it's literally just a pool table and nothing else. It's just like a blank room and it has the best graphics and the best physics is like cutting edge and it looks photorealistic was this game just having the one track the one race. The level of polish they put into it is kind of remarkable. Like I'm sceptical spending 40 pounds on a game that only has one track. But you can tell if they've really hunkered down to make a really solid well, boat racing game.


Mike Macdermid 26:41  

Yeah, I mean, also, you're the kind of racing game fan of us. Obviously this is not quite the same as what you'd normally be. You've been already looking for f1 games but is this one that interests you?


Al Struthers 26:51  

It's one I've always wanted to try but a bit like Amazon, I don't want to go buy it. I don't want to make the investment it partly because bikes aren't a big thing to me anyway, but the I have the same reservations as Antonio sure how much gameplay and get over I presume actually, there's a lot more to it than I am imagining otherwise you wouldn't keep churning out these games and people would keep buying them. Now the dino, so it probably is a really the game by I am unlikely to spend my hard earned cash on it. Yeah, my


Anton Winters 27:16  

my tinfoil hat conspiracy idea is that they're more so doing this for the diehards that will get in there. They're building the engine, the framework, like this is all very nitty gritty stuff. They're doing like bump map in the road and the physics and the moisture of the road and all that crazy, super simulation stuff. And then down the line, we'll get a better game with some more courses and all that kind of stuff. Once they've built this infrastructure with just one track.


Mike Macdermid 27:45  

Yeah. So what we're saying is, this is one for the fans.


Al Struthers 27:50  

It might be it might be they have gone to this level of detail before with other driving seven. So you take things like granturismo they've gone to the same level of detail and graduates more in the past. Yeah, so it's not just New Artist is bet there's just more to this game than we're probably giving credit for.


Mike Macdermid 28:04  

Yeah. Okay, well we'll keep an eye on it it won't be that long it is kinda in the first quarter of the year. Next up vertical reach overnights the Avery attorney definitive edition is going to switch on the 30th of January I love love love the look of this think Phoenix right but with birds right


Al Struthers 28:19  

and fashions screwed graphics


Mike Macdermid 28:21  

he old the Phoenix right in the 19th century with birds Anton


Anton Winters 28:26  

Yep, I love it they just picked a direction and they went for it with full commitment there is no hesitation they knew the game they wanted to make and they just just headset and it's so one of a kind little weepy slit. nothing's really doing but we don't really want anything else it just call it down perfect went touch even


Mike Macdermid 28:45  

Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing this is one that I would ordinarily be like, yeah, I'm gonna buy that Alistair but I'm just because of so many other games coming up. I'm kind of like well wait, but I have to say Tesla. You


Al Struthers 28:58  

are so good to be This the don't you pretend you're not


Mike Macdermid 29:03  

the right to be perfectly honest. Next up we've got from top Blitz productions, they have announced soccer tactics and glory which is a turn based tactical football game kind of in February 2020. When we when we first saw that this was coming, Anton tagged me in the post I think it was you Anton that tagged me in the post to say hey, look look what's coming I think it was this game because you know that I love sort of football management type games. This is a little different this one it's a kind of unusual kind of way of doing it. It's kind of a little bit different in terms of you know how they're approaching it, but it looks reasonable I'm a bit worried is it going to be to mobile 40 that's my only worry with it, I guess.


Anton Winters 29:45  

Yeah, I won't lie. When I saw this. I was like, there's not much I can add but this this some make game all over. I do find that interesting having the term base elements. And quite often being somebody who's not into football, people will be like, all the time. See x, y, z that happened. I'm like they're just running left if you asked me, but this, this makes it seem a little bit more sense in terms of stuff. So I don't know. Well, for Pearson Well,


Al Struthers 30:11  

the first football game in a long time, I thought I might play that. Yeah, because I'm terrible at football games. I can't play Google. I don't know. I've never watched football. Never. I don't know how to play football. Know the end of the rules. So definitely FIFA, I always lose every single time. I can't play football games. But this one, I can stop and think about it. And it's a strategy that happens to be a football game. But


Mike Macdermid 30:31  

I'm going to correct you on that there was a very, very famous incident that happened in 2001 when Alistair and I were a party at uni. This is a true story on your love this I think you were about six at the time, but me and also a university party, and we had a FIFA night and I'd been given it the old Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty good. I don't want to brag but yeah, I'm probably going to win this tournament. And I was actually at the point where I'd won all my games until I played Alistair and Alastair one, one nil and now Never I've never read I've never reacted so angry he's one of us ally but I reacted very frustrated Lee and I think controller was thrown at some point as well so there we are so after you won a game you have


Unknown Speaker 31:14  

to bring that one up but since you did my


Mike Macdermid 31:17  

forgotten all about that until that second yes with this game basically if you are a football fan, thanks to beauty Oh, does that mean anything to either of you? Yes.


Unknown Speaker 31:27  

Half semicircle


Unknown Speaker 31:28  

so beauty you are doesn't


Mike Macdermid 31:30  

ring a bell sadly. Okay, so beauty Oh, yeah, as I asked her said it's little figurines that you would you would play football, it was kind of it was turned based, but it physically turned based in, you know, like the 60s and 70s was very big. It was still big in this sort of 80s I had a new set when I was a kid, and you could get the full team kits and all the rest of it. So it's a bit like spiritual but for console, I guess with more turn based elements. So it's definitely want to keep an eye on if you're a football fan. Or if you like turn based games, then yeah, check it out. It's coming out. fairly soon as well 30th of January so not I'm sorry February 2020 not that long ago all right next up re arc have announced D mo to which is an artsy but approachable rhythm game demo get some pretty good results Yeah, no, I did not know I didn't burn. I have my dinner very fast before we recorded this podcast, it was an inside burp but I'm part of the microphone my pickups apologies


Al Struthers 32:25  

I love that. Let me we're nothing no honest on this show. I'll thanks


Mike Macdermid 32:28  

for that. I probably wouldn't. I probably wouldn't have been honest about that to be perfectly honest. But I was there was so there we go. It's fair. Until yes deebo your thoughts on the


Anton Winters 32:40  

Yeah, this game looks gorgeous. At first I was like, Huh, like just here hearing the logline of it basically, but looking at the Art sale on the acetic it really looks like it's trying to do something a little bit more grandiose. And I'm Calvin motion Lee racing than any a lot of other rhythm games in the country. centering has had one sequel in the past that was very well regarded we'd be down to this chemical warfare Calif when when it comes out.


Mike Macdermid 33:09  

Excellent. Yeah, yeah what about you I asked her what do you think? rhythm based games we've played? We played a couple No. Yeah I


Al Struthers 33:16  

I like a good rhythm based game. I'm not very good at them. That's my problem. They're quite good a little this one really isn't gripping me as much as I can tell you why I have no idea why it's not good for me as much as some of the more basic ones in the past but not feeling.


Mike Macdermid 33:31  

Yeah, now I'm kind of sitting somewhere in between the two of you. I think I think you know, for me rhythm based games, I've really got to be into it to really want to play it. I like the look of this and the ourselves cool. I'm not 100% Sure. Yeah, I'm going to sort of sit on the fence on this one and see, see where it goes. But yeah, it's certainly again, it's one it's one to keep an eye on if you do like rhythm games and caffeine is which is a great place for rhythm games. By the way. Speaking of rhythm games, I've only mentioned this because it would have an effect I bought and I need to find out Who's from? It's a really small Bluetooth transmitter for my switch that's specifically designed for switch. So it's the obviously because the switch you know, you have to have a cable to listen to it. You know, listen on your headphones, there's a switch to company we have switched Bluetooth transmitter let me find out exactly who made it and basically, it's so slim that you wouldn't even know it's it's plugged into your switch is really, really clever. And, and it works really, really well. I have to say, so far so good. The only thing is, if you're playing a rhythm game, that's why I mentioned it. I'm not sure I would play a rhythm bass game on it big or anything, we really need super tight timings because there is the smallest bit of latency which is to be expected from a Bluetooth device. Yeah, a third party one but I have to say if you're just playing general games, and you just want you know, you just don't want to have a cable hanging that it's really good. Let me just tell you exactly who was it said I pronounce this it says ghuli kit.


Al Struthers 35:01  

Where's the plug into? So the headphone jack?


Mike Macdermid 35:03  

Yes. And you know, it plugs into the bottom. So you know, the dock. Yeah. So and it's


Al Struthers 35:09  



Mike Macdermid 35:11  

Yeah. USBC connector. So really flats things, it's plugs in plugs up. So, yeah, well, I'm going to send you send you a link. In fact, we can maybe see if we can put a link in the description of the episode or something on our chat. But be quite


Anton Winters 35:25  

keen for that because I I hate to be that change z or but I haven't owned wired headphones and like a good five years now. And then I don't have wireless headphones. I have never experienced them all my headphones are wired. We're on different sides of time.


Mike Macdermid 35:44  

Well, here's the thing. I'm right in the middle because I have both. In fact, the one I have has a cable you plug in to make it wired or you take out and it's Bluetooth. So that's quite useful for both but I think this I think Anton I recommend it as long as you're not playing something that is a real rhythm. You know, because I think you will notice it then but generally, for most games, it's great and I've just put it in our chat but I'll put it in the description of our episode as well for those that want to check it out. It's from Google Gula kit. It's a route air Bluetooth adapter specifically for the switch or switch light. It does work on ps4 and PC as well but it really works particularly well on the switch because it fits into the bottom really snugly. Right? I'm going to fly through some of these because we have loads to talk about so I tell you what I'll do


Al Struthers 36:27  

the next one. I'm so excited to read the next one.


Mike Macdermid 36:28  

Alright, let's talk about that for a sec. Okay, so summarise have announced and released Rambo First Blood a game about killing people and cleaning up the mess. Imagine untitled goose goose game meets party hard Alistar untitled goose game that's your baby. What do you think of this?


Al Struthers 36:46  

Oh, this game is looks amazing. I'm sure it's gonna be terrible by so so on the playlist. I mean, you get to play as a Roomba.


Mike Macdermid 36:56  



Anton Winters 36:59  

dude They win this pop top and I put in my notes. I'm like, oh, we'll have a good laugh about this on the podcast. And then, like, I think it came out later in the week. And just seeing everybody do the content of I'm like, this is so dumb, it works. It's an untitled goose game. Just it works. So we've had the serial clean arity that came about cleaning up martyrs we've had we've had party heart It's just that the combination of so many things that you wouldn't think would work well and they did. Yeah,


Al Struthers 37:31  

I mean, you guys really well reviewed on Steam has been out there for a couple of months now. Yeah, if I is a description on steam is is the perfect summary. Rambo First Blood is a comic top down stealth action game about being a robotic vacuum cleaner and fending off Burgos miracle


Mike Macdermid 37:45  

I prefer the next bit Alistair where it says height protec suck I can't wait to play this is definitely one to check out I think the graphics that great fun think untitled goose game. I mean it's very similar a little bit more High Tech looking perhaps isn't a futuristic


Al Struthers 38:04  



Mike Macdermid 38:04  

Yeah, but it's cool it looks really good so look out for that reviews are great on Steam and you can have a good a good clean of your switch with a rumble okay let me fly to the next couple then because you know we didn't cover 4000 things to talk about so next up we've got level five announcing UK watch Academy why and you spin off game it's going to look and play differently to the previous yokai watch games I know that my wife she's played yokai watch two or three I think it is this is good news though. I think I'm done because yeah, as a franchise that people really love.


Anton Winters 38:42  

Yeah, you know they've really built up I think personal waiting for you. Watch for so. I'm personally not a big fan of the poker money style gameplay of the other ones not dissing it's just not my cup of tea but I was curious. Definitely led me to an entry point into that. franchise with some different gameplay you know, make could get me into Who knows?


Mike Macdermid 39:05  

Yeah, I mean I think it looks the visuals already from what we've seen or what they've teased looks good. So yeah, it's an it's an anime as well in in Japan, it's pretty famous. So I think, yeah want to check out next up nikana.io have an aunt Lydia, which is a grim but atmospheric visual novel which deals with adult substance abuse from the perspective of let's have a little girl so not one for the faint hearted Alister


Al Struthers 39:31  

Oh, say, gee, that's grim.


Mike Macdermid 39:34  

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's, I have to see the it looks incredibly atmospheric. I'll be quite and I do love visual novels. And I do like things that have a serious story behind them whether or not this is a bit much or not, I'm not sure. I mean, I think it's only going to be about four pounds, which is, which is good. What do you think else? There's that one that will interest you? I know you're not really a visual novel.


Al Struthers 39:57  

Probably not my cup of tea cuz I don't really do visual novels. To know whose cup of tea is just given us a very niche topic was doing some pretty hard hitting stuff. I wonder who the audience is for it. And finally, if any of our listeners are interested in it, please let us know because I am genuinely fascinated. Oh, who's gonna get it?


Mike Macdermid 40:14  

I think I think from what i've sorry and I think from what I've seen from people that have played already I think it's one of these that it's very short but very powerful real kind of life you want to play something that is akin to watching a movie or documentary I guess, or something that's got more of a hits hits hard, then I think it's one of those experiences rather than a game is such a thing as more like an an hour or a couple of hours of an experience and on what's what's your Yes,


Anton Winters 40:38  

definitely when I look at this game, it seems a lot more less of being a game and gameplay but more so as kathlyn almost like an art piece. And you know, when you can watch like a short film or hear a song and you can really tell the craft behind it's like working through some demons. And this one's feels like oh, yeah, there. You can Ellis had some pain behind that.


Mike Macdermid 41:02  

Yeah, yeah. Well, I'll tell you the next game as well, that's on our list is equally hard hitting for a totally different reason it's simulacra to it's a fun based horror game. Basically, in this game, you try and unravel the mysterious death of an influencer using a mobile phone. So there's a mobile phone on your screen. It looks absolutely terrifying. It reminds me of the ring but on a mobile phone like discovering someone's phone and looking at it and seeing the ring. That's what I see Alistair Alster there's no way you're going to play this


Al Struthers 41:30  

not a chance I watched the ring that was bad enough I'm not going to get myself through actually playing a game which is pretty much the same thing new Thank you. I'm actually


Mike Macdermid 41:38  

amazed you watch that until What's your thoughts on this one?


Anton Winters 41:41  

Yeah, you know that the first game was quite good by it was very much just a couple we things in that count felt a little bit fake. This one feels a lot more like a real phone and real surfaces and that it's a lot more in depth and fleshed olfa Health it's not a world but Calif world if you know what I mean. Yeah, it looks fairly solid. I don't think I'll pick up and it's just just not how I would want to spend my time gaming. I spent enough time on my phone or something who wants that Kelvin resident? Like relatable whore? Could be good.


Mike Macdermid 42:18  

Yeah, yeah, well looking at look at it for that one. It's coming in 2020 Next up behind the store and having to release sir eats a lot to handheld on a platform game which takes advantage of both the touchscreen buttons and motion control. I love the look of this. I love his big fat belly. I love the humour is a bit of humour in there I like the side scrolling I think the animation is good but is it any good? does it play well do we know on


Anton Winters 42:41  

sadly we don't know yet. But I'm happy to see we're getting some more DS VSL games and you know they spent years developing all these techniques of making some mobile only titles and it would be a shame to lose them on the switch just for being a heart hybrid soul getting a dedicate console experience. Dedicated, horrible experience.


Al Struthers 43:02  

Let's go. I was trying to figure out is this a new game? Or is the support of the video game?


Anton Winters 43:07  

there? I did not know there was a VR game that


Al Struthers 43:10  

says there was it was released in the beta A while ago and it's a game is called sir eat a lot and I couldn't figure out how to configure it. I didn't do afternoon research, it was a new title or if it's a


Mike Macdermid 43:20  

portal, the original gets fairly mixed reviews, some people quite enjoy it. It's very kind of basic in its approach. So you know, perhaps, it doesn't look hugely different. So it is different. It's not, you know, it's maybe an enhanced version or something of the original. It kind of just appeared, it was one of these games that we really hear an awful lot about before and haven't even since it's isn't, you know, since it's actually been released, but you know, it's one again, if you are a side scrolling platformer, kind of finding you like the comedy of the slightly large main character, then perhaps you might want to check it out but it does get mixed reviews are certainly the vieta version got mixed reviews, so maybe just their approach with caution. I would say probably Next up affable games on the note speaking simulator. It's a game about being an average working Joe dating and even running for president. That's not an average Joe thing. But you must control the protagonists speak and


Unknown Speaker 44:14  

do it get the words I'm protagonist.


Mike Macdermid 44:15  

I used to him to talk normal otherwise his head explodes so you got to actually control is Joel going to Nintendo Switch on the 13th of January one Earth is this game This looks so I did. It looks hilarious, Anton.


Anton Winters 44:29  

Yeah, let's see you don't know how it works exactly. But you have to move your tongue to different parts of your mouth and your jaw and contraption to make the sounds that make up the words. It's almost like singstar but you control a robot make that makes words. It looks very ridiculous. Almost wrecking more and it's humour and very account that almost improbable and Caliph. insanity. More comedy than game I think here could be a funny late play game. I imagine


Mike Macdermid 45:01  

Yeah, I have to say that I think this could be a lot of fun as long as you know you're going into it and not necessarily play you know, another Luigi mansion or a game of the year or you know something serious. I think it's just what it is. It's ridiculous. But I have to say, let's play could be kind of fun. Alistair, maybe me and you could have gone this maybe I could be our opening game of that we stream you know, because obviously Anton does the streaming at the moment we're going to look at that. That could be kind of fun.


Al Struthers 45:27  

I am totally on board with doing that. And you know what, actually what's special with this game or what's stunning to me is the fact that this is coming out on switch on the same day she comes out on Steam 99 point names of the games we look at. They've already been on steam for a month, two months years. Yeah. being released on both platforms simultaneously. Excellent.


Mike Macdermid 45:43  

Nice, cool, excellent. It's nice. I think if we can get more of those that will be fantastic. It is coming out it was originally going to be coming at the end of last year actually but it's going to be switch and PC January the 30th. So keep an eye out for that one. Next up. Jacob Williams has announced its our ITT On Google for a top down bullet hell boss rush game coming to switch in 2020 we got quite a lot of kind of these kind of bullet hell type games Anton.


Anton Winters 46:10  

Definitely, and especially when it's countdown and are the Gungeon sale gameplay. This one I I won't lie it does look very gorgeous and I cannot take that away from it. And however as an as shondra it's very felt especially we've got an early Gungeon that's a big one there. And those are some tough boots to go up against. And I have a feeling with the the quality of the like artistic design over all that they could ask too much speed competitive unless who knows it might have the gameplay to back up. Yeah, not too sure yet.


Mike Macdermid 46:47  

We'll keep an eye out for that one though. If it is your thing, and I know that is a bit saturated with those kind of games. Next up, I'm really interested in this but I do like point and click games. The devolver Digital I've announced stories on torjussen episodic Horror mystery classic text based adventure point and click game which combines Stranger Things and five nights at freddy's it's got a real classic 80s vibe to it. I have to say uh Luke's fantastic I'm not I'm kind of surprised that it's it's kind of coming to the switch at the moment it seems like I think it's only switch at the moment aren't even double check that but certainly it looks looks great Alistair I love this the sort of you know anything retro Anna like point and click so I think this could be a winner for me.


Al Struthers 47:31  

It does look really good and it's not new. It's been around since about 2017 I think on PC but it gets well reviewed named 10s and generally run rate of 9% Mark I think it was one law one I don't know why I got 80% But yeah, well reviewed on the whole and even looks interesting to me and you know mean horror games, but I like a point to click so


Mike Macdermid 47:51  

yeah, yeah, it doesn't feel so in the horror genre. I mean, Stranger Things is horror in the latest sense the words not really the same as fools. Horror, but 80s Horror has that kind of almost comic book vibe to it, I guess. And this kind of has a little bit of that. You're right, it was a form form of a PC exclusive as well. So that's, that's good. So it's got 3d Adventure elements in it as well. And interactive fiction is kind of how they're looking at it. So yeah, I've got to say I'm into that one. Anton is that one that would interest you?


Anton Winters 48:19  

I think Gameplay wise. Sadly, it's not something I would go out and play. However, I must say, just set the me's on sand of the game just look spectacular. It just reminds me of when you would be sitting in a room with a CRT the glue heading, you've got your Commodore 64. And you have no idea what half the commands do. But you're, you're figuring your way for it. It really touches me in a emotional sense that way.


Mike Macdermid 48:43  

Yeah, no, Well, it certainly looks good. We'll keep an eye on that. I'm going to fire through three bits of just quick news for games that you might have already or systems that are things that you might want to know. And then you get your comment on it and then we'll move on. So next up then just together free grid Autosport updates. Which is good if you've got grid which is a decent title it's going to update will add multiplayer and labo support on switch which is interesting. Mario Kart tour has a real time multiplayer beta for gold past members will come to that in a second Alistair because I know you play Mario Kart two and Nintendo e shop no offers refunds in Russia which is good news if you're on the Russia nice shop I guess but certainly something which we welcome in any shop anything you'd like to add to any of those first of all, Alistair?


Al Struthers 49:28  

Probably not perhaps I'm looking forward to trying the Mario Kart tour multiplayer yeah because I have not paid a penny for that game so far yet I don't have any gold pass therefore I can't be able to try it.


Mike Macdermid 49:38  

I they we are on.


Anton Winters 49:40  

Yeah, I think that I'm very excited about the E sharp discounts going to Russia I might not stop might sound like a small thing. But we've recently in the past six months we've had the case where they're looking into legalising making it mandatory and then France I believe Jeremy's looking into it. I believe there's stuff going on with Steam and certain parts of Europe. And I think a combination of all these things happening with everything moving towards digital. And we could hopefully see some more social health and not social but health policy and legal change count to get a discount rate leg Association going farther affair. Yeah, hopefully progress moving forward.


Mike Macdermid 50:23  

Yeah, it's a tough one because you know, you refunds online open up to all sorts of possibilities, some of them not good in terms of people taking advantage of that system and, and essentially stealing games and not paying for them but by by virtue of getting a refund. But you know, having said that, I think overall there has to be a method Alistair of getting refunds for games one way or another for ones that you buy and maybe they're not as you expected.


Al Struthers 50:48  

Yeah, I mean, the infrastructure was there and physical sales. Why should not be there in digital world that makes no difference. So I completely agree. if something isn't as you expected to be, you should be able to return it.


Mike Macdermid 50:57  

Alright, let's move on then because we've got a few more Thanks to fire three before we even get into the rumours, let alone the quiz. This is the longest the longest bass was we've been away for three weeks, so that's fair enough. And next up nanika nanika smooch Is that how you pronounce Anton


Anton Winters 51:13  

Nietzsche? snitch


Mike Macdermid 51:14  

yes. Okay we'll go with that takes the internet by storm a fixed which has removable joy Khan's portable play TV playing over 800 Famicom game. I have seen this. It is the most hilarious looking thing I've ever seen. It's like as if they took the Wii U GamePad. And blew up a bit more and combined it with the Fisher Price tie and then sold it as the switch.


Anton Winters 51:35  

Yeah, this looks ridiculous says basically a family calm button a static was switch but I'm just impressed that they went to the effort of giving you the removable, removable choice icons talking into TV and all of his awfulness. It does a lot.


Mike Macdermid 51:52  

Yeah, it's it's one of these kind of weird, you know, contraptions that basically plays random games and you know, obviously the We've got the Famicom games which is cool but it's honestly I'll start it's one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.


Al Struthers 52:06  

It is bizarre but I quite it makes me happy that this exists in the world. It really does.


Mike Macdermid 52:12  

Yeah, I'm not sure how how illegal the 800 Famicom games are I mean


Anton Winters 52:16  

highly illegal highly illegal not sure yeah not sure.


Unknown Speaker 52:21  

Are you gonna see on so well for Soulja Boy? I went so


Mike Macdermid 52:25  

yeah, that's a whole podcast in itself. Next up Taiwan retailer mobile have started selling bundles of the Nintendo Switch consoles and smart toilet seats. The switch bundle is called sit well full length and the switch light bundle is the loneliness eliminator. Oh, what is going on in the world?


Anton Winters 52:44  

We truly live in the future. And I don't know if you've not got a warm meal. So lemonnier Why are you doing with your life


Mike Macdermid 52:52  

is horrendous. And I'll say anything to add to that. No,


Unknown Speaker 52:56  

no, I don't have anything further.


Mike Macdermid 52:59  

No, okay, right. Let's move Bunda Bandai Namco General Manager, and Katsuhiro hora de reiterates that Bayonetta three development is going well. We're all happy with that right?


Anton Winters 53:08  

Indeed people are worried so it's good to get that reaffirming that is not Metroid Prime for good excellent because it has been a


Mike Macdermid 53:15  

little while French consumers Association Awards The switch the most the most fragile Product of the Year. I'm going to I'm going to slightly issue with Alistair because I think I think as much as I understand where that comes from my switches kind of survived a lot I've been to have across the world of you know, flights have been on trains have dropped a couple of times over us but terrible scary experience but so far it's been all right.


Al Struthers 53:39  

I floors and see the screens as you mines been dropped a couple times not any great height. We're just onto the couch and things like that, as they maybe refer to the joy con drift to be fair. Yeah,


Anton Winters 53:49  

yeah, I think this is 100% joy contract. And the aftermath of this award going out. Nintendo has started offering free joy Cohen, Ripley air and France. So, yeah, I think it's a lot of people who don't own sweat cheese hearing about how their their grandson switches had a little bit of problem of the joy con.


Mike Macdermid 54:11  

Yeah, yeah, I think so well, hey, listen, we'll probably take that award because they'll be many more awards coming to the switch in the near future. I am sure next up according to ice spot.tv Nintendo spent $48 million of tv adverts compared to 100 million each. Excuse me, I got hiccups from PlayStation and Xbox. That's about right. I would think at least I don't expect Nintendo to spend as much because it's Nintendo.


Al Struthers  54:35  

Well, I guess it sort of depends because without a bit of context, that doesn't necessarily mean much if that's in the space of a year which is why I presume it's it was basically a year, Xbox and PlayStation, they probably spent more money to advertise it but the consoles at the end of his life, so they're pushing really hard Nintendo is in the middle. And it's got some big things in here tonight, so doesn't necessarily spend the money because it's had a horde of free publicity on things like the switch light Which the media will just be done with it having to pay a penny for?


Anton Winters 55:03  

Yeah, definitely. I remember hearing something where it'll say Netflix close a goal everybody who would buy Netflix has to spend I believe it's about 263 pounds and advertising pair new customer. And I think it's just like that with the Xbox One and the ps4. Who are you going to sell these consoles to who doesn't already own one who's the saving bell that actually you know what? I think I'll pick up one of those their console things they seem to be doing well?


Mike Macdermid 55:32  

Yeah, absolutely. It's an odd situation we're in but we are getting to that stage and we'll see more advertising from PlayStation and Xbox very, very soon. I am absolutely sure of that because we're soon to be entering a new generation. Next up then Platinum Games, Hideki Kamiya has called the switch UI Nintendo switches. whole menu is a piece of crap. All of the and I can't say that word because we want to keep our read friendly. All of the rubbish gigantic game icons are lined up. Robot the rest of the games are tossed into trash can called old games. I wonder have they the people that made the menu ever played the Nintendo fanboys switch? I think this is massively unfair to be perfectly honest allistic because I think they'll apart from the fight I would love folders. And I would like a couple of other things on there generally a themes and things that the thing the homepage, the whole menu, it's a damn sight better than the Xbox One put it that way.


Al Struthers 56:27  

It works for me. It's simple. I can find what I want. But I mean, you guys, both you and Anton have completed the password not having folders and wanting a different UI structure. So again, always coming from it just doesn't bother me in the slightest.


Mike Macdermid 56:37  

No, I think there's a difference between wanting new stuff and absolutely slaughtering what's there and on?


Anton Winters 56:44  

Yeah, I love this guy. Like, he must be friends with people at Nintendo. He's a head of Platinum Games, which have done a lot with Nintendo. I think he's voicing the concerns of a lot of people. But I think this is more just I just Why isn't it done anything and it is kind of remarkable. We get whole new iOS, the whole change the Xbox has been over with the UI, we've been for like four different redesigns of the Xbox One UI. And then there's just basic stuff on the switch that's missing in terms of the main usability of the role of icons, you know, that's the same on PlayStation they have a singular role of icons for their application so I don't really see a big problem in terms of what's there it's just more so what's missing? Yeah,


Mike Macdermid 57:32  

yeah, I think there are a few things was missing but I think was there is is Okay, next up Nintendo has shown a new trailer for Animal Crossing New Horizons showcasing the official box are which looks lovely. I've got to say a bit of hype there on


Anton Winters 57:44  

all definitely everybody I know has been going absolutely mental for it. There's tonnes of little things that if you're an animal crossing fan means a lot like them, but we new path building new eyes and new outfits and all that kind of stuff. For the average person I think Cat the box our spray super excited for this one I've never gave an animal crossing a proper goal but with how many people I know are jumping into this one site to give it a go.


Mike Macdermid 58:13  

And I'm assuming you don't have any major anything major to add to that Alistair


Al Struthers 58:18  

no Animal Crossing some struggles to get interested in oh just personally because I've never played one. Yeah,


Mike Macdermid 58:24  

yeah, that's fair. Okay next up Tom happe who's the creator of Axiom Verge to says that the sequel does well there will likely be more games that's saying that if it's successful will make more of them so he all agree with that


Anton Winters 58:35  

next good business


Mike Macdermid 58:37  

Absolutely. Makes sense. Next up NP these groups player pulse survey has found that 40% of switch owners on a second current console they suggest that Nintendo Switch will remain on top in the hardware space perhaps into 2022 which I think makes sense if you look at where the others are in their cycle. We're coming to the end of a cycle for the ps4 and Xbox and new ones. Coming soon, so that will make sense. We agreed.


Al Struthers 59:03  

Yes, I will I The reason I think that he's banging on is gamers tend to own an Xbox or a PlayStation. So they're splitting the vote. Whereas exactly, he said, there, someone has a switch doesn't matter what you're already on, you're probably already either just a switch, or switch and Xbox or switch to PlayStation. So we get to straddle both those markets, whereas they're fighting against each other. It's great. Nice position to be in. Yeah, definitely.


Mike Macdermid 59:28  

You agree, Anton?


Anton Winters 59:30  

Yeah, enough, nothing much to add. I'm curious whether or not his self protection software, try to consider the switch pro tour. I really like that or if that will even bolster the lights on the console. But I think we will have a good couple years before we have to worry about not getting next generation multi plat. So I think we're golden for at least two more years of the podcast. Yeah,


Mike Macdermid 59:51  

yeah, absolutely. All right. Next up, then we've got yet being originally planned for early 2018 release on a permanent interactive of an ex Kentucky Route Zero TV edition it's coming to switch at the end of the month 20th of January. It's a five episode point and click game about a truck driver making a delivery and bumping into people along the way. I wasn't interested in it until about one second ago. And now I'm like, Oh, this looks all right. I'm done.


Anton Winters 1:00:14  

Yeah, it looks gorgeous. They've been essentially the reason the switch ports been behind so long as they wanted to finish the final chapter of the game. So we will be getting the full experience, man and they've put a good couple years like since 2018. They've been putting entertainment to this a final chapter. So I imagine for a lot of people there must be a lot of hate pain this tale.


Mike Macdermid 1:00:39  

Yeah, I guess if you played a title all the way through you've been waiting for a final chapter. And that's you know, that's a big deal and it's obviously on Steam. Whereas with you Alistair I'm guessing. You know, having never played any of it. It means very little to you. But is it one? I mean, I have to say it does look pretty gorgeous.


Al Struthers 1:00:54  

Yeah, the art style is really interesting. I'm just a bit disappointed that I went to drive a trans-am in front of a big truck with snoozin by me mostly I don't know how many people once you get that reference but i don't


Unknown Speaker 1:01:06  

i don't get


Al Struthers 1:01:07  

smoking the bandit go and watch an amazing 70s movie.


Mike Macdermid 1:01:09  

Oh, okay, I know the movie but I have I don't think I've ever actually watched it so they were well, yes, well thank you for the reference I'm sure many people will be going Yep, got that. Not Not me or Anton the next up series Super Mario Maker two has upped its upload limit to 100 courses. Little bit of good news there if you're a Mario Maker two player that's exciting. This was a big news story as well the Chinese Nintendo Switch region the region lock their games and consoles which is really interesting because obviously every other region in the world with us Nintendo switches region free but what that means is don't go importing any Chinese games because it's going to be region locked Anton.


Anton Winters 1:01:47  

No, sir. So real shame because you know, it's against Nintendo's FX, but at the same time, I guess that's the pros and cons of releasing a console and China in this real shame to see such censorship.


Mike Macdermid 1:02:02  

Yeah, it's very different Alster any thoughts on that? I mean I guess we're not going to be buying that many imports anyway but I guess it's a shame that it rules out one region


Al Struthers 1:02:10  

it does but given the fact the Chinese market I can't seem overly surprised by that I can see why little definitely lockdown if nothing else they want to stop imports coming in from literally walls to China.


Mike Macdermid 1:02:20  

Yeah, absolutely, because I think that's probably the bigger fear for them. Next up Alienware reveals UFO concert concept. It's a switch. A switch but for PC games, I have to explain a little bit more. Cuz I'm 100% sure


Anton Winters 1:02:33  

yeah, so Alienware popular gaming subsets of Harry of Dale and computer company as they unveiled this essay, basically, literally just a switch by and the form factor, but complete PC games. And honestly, it looks quite good. And Tripoli PC games and they've done a lot of little things where I'm like, why didn't this switch ankle but it's called a brilliant kickstand where Essentially the entire back plate of the console goes flat together a fill with what you call it, kickstand as well as that. controllers are properly shaped and it's got much better account ventilation on the back of it where they've made it a part of the design looks fairly good and all I'll say


Mike Macdermid 1:03:22  

yeah, I did actually see this night you said this is completely I didn't realise it was them until you described it but I'll start Do you think this has got some legs in this could go somewhere


Al Struthers 1:03:32  

that well I said that's the phrase I was gonna use. It looks like me will have legs. It's an interesting concept. Alienware is a very well known brand. And I can see PC gamers thinking that's what I want. switch this to, I don't know, family friendly. Perhaps it'll go The library is too limited for me only pay a fraction of the price and get a PC game on a run on that I can see this actually being seen the words, switch killer around. I don't think it's gonna be a switch killer. in any way, shape or form, but I do think it's gonna be successful.


Mike Macdermid 1:04:03  

Yeah, I think I think you might be right. I think it could be. It could be one that that, as you said could have an audience that maybe isn't the switch audience anyway. But you know, I think I don't think it will kill the switch but I think it's certainly one to keep an eye on. For sure. Sorry, I'm Tony


Anton Winters 1:04:19  

as well as them. And the current format is a prototype I have heard murmurings that there's ideas of adding a cat like a keyboard onto the front of it almost like a surface. So just have like, a magnetic strip. So for a lot of people going into, let's say, maybe not like university but like air, late half of high school. Maybe pick one of these out for 500 you've got a laptop and a little be Steam Machine, which at West steam, haven't like PC and steam having all of your games for the entirety of your life. Tom Yeah, goodness, some fun.


Mike Macdermid 1:04:56  

Yeah, absolutely. Want to keep an eye on for sure. I have now given up with us trying to have a very quick episode as normal 45 minutes to one hour because that's just not going to happen. So we're going to crack these and premiere. Yeah, absolutely. Well I kind of realised about 20 minutes ago that there's no way we're fitting this into one hour so we'll, we'll carry on we'll come on to the rumours in a minute but before we do that, Pokemon direct what an unusual direct to kick off the year now we didn't do a special partly because I think the only one of our team will maybe I'll stir I know you've played a bit of Pokemon but certainly sword and shield I know Emily absolutely loves Pokemon and could have talked. You know, Emily could have done the show on the room. So I think it was one of those were unfortunate because Emily wasn't available. We thought you know, we'll just leave this and we'll talk about it. No, but Anton there was an awful lot of stuff particularly the DLC stuff was a big surprise because not


Anton Winters 1:05:51  

what will serve with the DLC and so at the event, they announced their Pokemon sword and shield expansion packs. So traditionally Pokemon games, they can't do like the first edition like the yellow edition or the platinums, or the ultra sun of moon or black to this time around, they've went ahead and they're doing a DLC, which people have some GetResponse of it, it's going to be coming out in two parts part one that I'll have armour coming out in June 2020 and part two, Chrome tundra coming out in Fall 2020. They have different versions for each of the different games. And what's notable is they're adding and a lot of the Pokemon that were missing from the main game course as you know, that was a very big complaint. And outside the law, soft watch, I don't think were probably the best people for talking about that. And they both have massive areas and take place and basically like the wild area and the main game was spread out the adults and the second part of the DLC, they're going to be adding our underground court months where you get to fight a bunch of the old legendaries which will be quite a big deal and often It's going to cost about 29 pounds for both parts of the DLC combined.


Mike Macdermid 1:07:07  

Which is it's a lot of money i mean it's it's a it's a proper full gate I guess you know content there's a lot of content in there you can tell it would you feel after hard done by the way, you've gone out and bought sword and shield and you know you've waited and waited and waited and you bought it and you felt a little short change by sword and shield. We've talked about the issues with it previously. Whilst it's good in a lot of ways, there are some shortcomings. Would you feel a bit cheated that you've now got this next extra 2899 DLC costs? Or are you just excited about it?


Al Struthers 1:07:38  

Well, that's a really good question. And I actually honestly don't know the answer. The reason I say that is I know a handful of people who bought the game and they are all ecstatic. They all love the game, just as it was. So the fact that this DLC is coming along as a bonus thing, it's probably not a big problem. I can see that if you've not got the game. Or if you're one of the people out there who is a diehard Pokemon fan who's really annoyed at the Missing Pokemon being stripped of the poker decks for example then there's to come along say by the way you can now have these Pokemon back we're gonna charge you more money for is a bit of a slap in the face. But I think for your average gamer myself included I think it's probably just a good thing.


Anton Winters 1:08:13  

Yeah, I think it depends on how much benefit of the doubt you gave game three. freakin the first position and I know people on both sides of it I know people that were just like as a new beggar pokeyman they can be expected to add the 700 Pokemon and then I know people who think know they're there same animations as Sun and Moon. They've just kept us out of a game. And now I think you're I yeah, that comparison. But I haven't seen my partner just finished swords and shields the lead into a post game in and I know a lot of people see that and it just seems like they. It's like Oh, they just you know, they removed some Pokemon. You can't catch them all. No, it's like, you can Complete after you're finished the main game you can complete everything else and like a couple hours and it really seems like they really left you like deliberately want you want a more been


Mike Macdermid 1:09:12  

a second hand experience very cynical but probably quite close to the truth in all honesty but yes it depends where you look at it and look it's great we're getting more Pokemon and that's fantastic for people that love the franchise and love the games. But yeah, I mean there are questions. Definitely going to be interesting is to see what kind of reaction these get when they are released and hopefully hopefully a good one. Let's just hope it's a good one. I think we're all agreed with that. Yeah. Right then can I can I move Can we move on to rumours? Can we move on? I don't think I've ever done a rumour rumour section an hour and 10 minutes into an episode, but


Unknown Speaker 1:09:48  

it is new bones.


Mike Macdermid 1:09:50  

New be absolutely Well, this is not gonna happen every week. By the way, folks, this is definitely a one off. It is time for rumours. Normally. Now before we get stuck into the rumours, Alistair, just very quickly. For those that want to support us on Patreon, what are you getting for your to your two different tiers, you got the $1 nas tier, which is on that one,


Al Struthers 1:10:14  

yet $1 as tier as you want to subscribe and support us on the $1 nestea you will basically get our eternal gratitude, you will also get our gamertags so you can add us as friends and you switch and you can spy on us if you


Mike Macdermid 1:10:25  

all we do that on the $1 as well are we doing


Unknown Speaker 1:10:27  

on the $1 team?


Mike Macdermid 1:10:28  

Okay, all right, I know we're going to also give you a shout out as well Don't forget the shoto shoto shows and woohoo and the $3 which is about 260 70 depending on the exchange rate what you get for that.


Al Struthers 1:10:40  

So on the snares tier, you get everlean ism an SDR plus a few additional things. So we are producing every week post episode podcast called last call, which is basically the equivalent of us sitting in a pub talking about some random topic every week. And we'll just be that one to our patrons every week. You and Anton are very kindly sitting down every fortnight and producing a podcast which will run through the releases that are coming in those two weeks, or at least as many of them as you can potentially fit in. We have something else and there was something else in there guys have lost already.


Mike Macdermid 1:11:14  

Yeah, I got the gamertags What else we got on


Anton Winters 1:11:17  

on the free dollar tier, you'll get our channel gratitude, the weekly last call podcast as Al mentioned a our fortnightly new releases podcasts at round up as we called it gamertags as mentioned, you'll also get the show notes before news.


Mike Macdermid 1:11:35  

Yeah, absolutely. The show notes to tell you what the that's Anton's hard work and effort to put those together. We really appreciate it because you know, I can hear there's a lot going on this week with us because you know we've had a long time off as well. So that's the reason it's taken a bit longer to get through everything. Just a quick reminder if you want to find out more about the Patreon if you want to support us NSU Kp code at UK is our website and if you go to forward slash support dash OSS or you can Just follow the links within the the website or if you're on the Patreon website as well if you look up the Nintendo Switch UK podcast ns UK podcast, you'll get it there too. So well worth checking out if you do want to see what else we have to offer. But if you've been listening to season one, and you're still listening, don't you worry, we're going to continue with more of the same. So this week's rumours starting with a fairly interesting model. This model is soft, the team behind Breath of the Wild Wild and Xena blades have been going on a massive hiring spree What could this mean? Do we does this mean we're getting? Well, I know we're getting well too. So that that rules that when I but what else could we be getting done?


Anton Winters 1:12:38  

Yeah, it said it could mean various different things. And I think the main thing is is they're scaling up production of their titles. And they have been at pretty much full capacity for such a small team. They're working on that brief Xenoblade Chronicles reap definitive edition. They've just wrapped up their expansion For the second game, working on breath, the wild to even more team who knows what they could do with that it may just be a case of filling out filling up the ranks are also very busy or potentially, you know, type whole new titles.


Mike Macdermid 1:13:15  

Yeah, I'll be very interested to see if if they're going to come up with something totally new because obviously they're two very established, you know, names and franchises, but I wonder I'll start maybe, you know, we'll get in something different. I mean, they've got so much experience now. I just wonder Wouldn't it be good if they were coming up with something specifically from the ground up made for the switch?


Al Struthers 1:13:33  

Yeah, I mean, there are a great studio. So I would be, it'd be fascinating to see what the quote was either as a brand new IP or dredging something of the past and doing something new with it. That would be really cool, but it might simply be that they need more bodies to put together Breath of the Wild.


Mike Macdermid 1:13:46  

Yes, yes. I mean, we could be thinking more too deeply GameStop listings that might point to a physical release for physical release for hell blade at send you a sacrifice on the switch. This is one of the best sort of download only titles at the moment. On switches incredible that's run so well on the switch really good audio experience as well if you play with headphones quite a difficult title but but very rewarding if it's if it's your kind of thing a physical release would be great I think we both agree that physical will be okay would would you guys both agree with that i should say Oh definitely it's one of those games even when it was on ps4 before had a physical copy on that console. It's like nope, this is that a title you need physically. Also the announced the switch version. So that one went off way my label would love to have this one on my shelf. Yeah, I know. You don't care so much about the physical aspect. I'll stir but surely it's good for collectors.


Al Struthers 1:14:36  

Well, no, I like his loss because Glospace seems so complete and sales


Unknown Speaker 1:14:41  

is cheap. Yeah, that's a good point.


Mike Macdermid 1:14:43  

And next up Bandai Namco, General Manager. I cut so Hito Harada, who mentioned earlier it's also mentioned that there's plans for a xeno collection. There were plans for his you know, collection, but the project field in a profitable market analysis. So it looks like that's not gonna happen. What what What would we be missing then unto him? What are we missing?


Anton Winters 1:15:02  

Yeah, it's a real shame because a lot of people count mean we look at the most recent casino blade games like the Chronicle on the we were scalf where most people got their eyes on this caught their eyes on this franchise However, this has been a franchise going back to the ps1 era and it's a real shame that a lot of these games for a lot of people are have lost the time close yet you can obviously sell pick up a ps1 there for a 250 pound titles Sarah very desirable and it's a shame that we can't really get to play them.


Mike Macdermid 1:15:34  

Yeah, well, we're not gonna be getting to play them anytime soon, if you listen to get to hero Harada from Bandai Namco. Next up, this is one Alster that I'm definitely definitely interested in because you know, I love a good board. See what interactive are working on new games for the Nintendo Switch? They've previously The reason I say port is because they previously ported Halo The Witcher Call of Cthulhu, vampire and Ghostbusters, I have to say, along with panic button, the two of those sacred sites Tiny button does such a good job in porting I mean, how on earth they got the Witcher two run like it did on the switch. I'll never know. But yeah, I'm hoping let's be honest GTA we want GTA five, don't we? We really do.


Anton Winters 1:16:14  

I think second to that I would take a Halo game they've been playing I think that the right no leaping working on the PC release of the Halo games for the first time. So the Microsoft seems to be more comfortable that in their mascot straight over to our consoles and I think with being an Esports title. You want to know as many as consoles as possible. It's like what we're saying with MLB the show going multiplan and well, there's just several titles you want us everywhere, as many consoles as possible.


Mike Macdermid 1:16:44  

Yeah, we're just we're do a direct the I think this month personally, we're dead you want anyway. And I just wonder if we're going to see some announcements of some titles from the kind of end of the 368 you know, the Xbox One start start with that, that you know, I could just see us Getting a few notes is one game, which I know everybody would love to come on to the switch but maybe would have to wait for future switch maybe the pro or something. Nintendo Switch controller has been found in Red Dead Redemption, too. So what's the kind of basis of this Anton? How does this


Anton Winters 1:17:15  

work? Yeah. So you know how when you're playing a game, and that's like the pop up and I'll have like the diagram of the controller, and I'll be like, press this button, it'll have a highlight. It's, I use it all thump. Yeah, people have found a bunch of those controller icons and right Dead Redemption two. There's two trains of false as one they're doing a switch port, which considering by how heavily monetize that as on the GT at the right dead online site seems more possible than it has in previous years are the kind of more it's less exciting one, but we must mention that as possibly just getting controller support on PC. Yeah, yeah. Don't dashed my hopes. I love him. So much to Believe on PC, if you do use even if you use a PlayStation four controller, it doesn't have the PlayStation four controller UI, I believe it's just the Xbox One UI for any controller.


Mike Macdermid 1:18:11  

Right? So that would be very interesting to see. I mean, a whole geomar Can you imagine the reaction if we were told that Red Dead two was coming to the Nintendo Switch? I mean, it would just be pandemonium would be amazing. But I have to say I do worry at the moment I would think that I've said this before, but I think if it does come it's going to be a launch title on the pro if the Pro is able to run it. That would be my thoughts Alster.


Al Struthers 1:18:35  

I would have said the same thing until the Witcher three came along.


Mike Macdermid 1:18:38  

Yeah, I know I know. I agree I just


Al Struthers 1:18:41  

that has done has really changed the game there's played change entire playing field they can do that with Witcher three. Now you might have to skill don't read that to a bit as possible. But I think it could run the lunch table.


Mike Macdermid 1:18:52  

It truly is a taxing game even on the ps4 and it's not it's not like you know the Witcher three is a really so that if you get the right developers and the right people involved there to do that conversion just never know. Hey, look we can we can live in hope that it's an announcement at the next direct you just never know. Next up an 18 Peggy 18. Peggy rating has been found for Metro Redux, which contains Metro 2033 and metro last night. We mentioned this before, I'm telling you this collection.


Anton Winters 1:19:21  

Yeah, so this is our second lico which I think this is basically official. So if this is a franchise, you're familiar with our interest and given a goal, I guess put some money aside because when they're when there's smoke, there's fire and we definitely have smoke last time around.


Mike Macdermid 1:19:38  

Yeah, I think that's going to happen to be honest, game stops internal system have just received 12 new unnamed Nintendo Switch games slash SKU listings, which is what they put in a placeholder when they're waiting for games to be for us to know what they are, which is a trend which happens before a new Nintendo Direct. We've seen this a few times just before a direct Allaster where you see these games but no title names but we know there's such and such games coming to switch, the direct is going to happen this month


Al Struthers 1:20:05  

is gonna was gonna have to be this is going to be one of these Oh and by the way it's I don't know if that's that's coming that's so cool. I'm looking forward to it right because what a few were very overdue on we were short changed but not getting one of them to last year


Mike Macdermid 1:20:16  

I was going to add as well that when we get these direct specials, they're going to be standard episodes just like last season as well for us on the podcast, you'll get them as normal. Even if you're not our Patreon, you'll still get those.


Unknown Speaker 1:20:29  

JOHN, you won't get charged.


Mike Macdermid 1:20:30  

No, yeah, you won't get charged either as a specials and extra plus, we'll try and throw in some extra bits if that does happen, but that's what I think. Anton Do you agree this month?


Anton Winters 1:20:39  

Yeah, I have a fear of we're going to get between Episode 49 and 50. And between those two, that's my next week. Yep, basically, and I think it's like catch us off guard and we're going to scramble around but unless it's over to they'll be fun. Yeah, I can't wait.


Mike Macdermid 1:20:55  

Popular leaker Emily Rodgers says there are two more we you ports coming on my money. On pigman galaxy no Nintendo Land. That's what I think. I think


Unknown Speaker 1:21:07  

that's madness. Yes. And then gamepad so much


Mike Macdermid 1:21:10  

Nintendo Land and pigman but they'll do a revamped version of Nintendo and that's why I think,


Anton Winters 1:21:15  

oh, personally I'm all money on Samira free world because I believe it runs in the same engine as the captain told what you've read out. And outside of that, I think because we don't actually I'm not too sure i a part of me wants to say the Waker HD, but I don't know if they would put effort time might be a bit much sass for what so what did you say? I'll start with your two.


Al Struthers 1:21:38  

Oh, I said what mario galaxy and I remembered actually that wasn't the way you that was just the GameCube wasn't it?


Unknown Speaker 1:21:44  

We I think we


Al Struthers 1:21:47  

saw it I don't know. I'm gonna go with what you guys said.


Mike Macdermid 1:21:48  

Yeah. So the feds love it. Next up games analysis. Dr. Sour can total what he believes will see $399 switch pro in 2020. I think we'll get the Which pro and 2020 Alister, you weren't so sure. Last time I asked you.


Al Struthers  1:22:04 

I mean, I'm not gonna be surprised at Rosen 2020. I would like to think it might be 2021. But let's see.


Mike Macdermid 1:22:09  

Yeah, I'll be happy with 21 but I think we'll get it this year on there.


Anton Winters 1:22:13  

Everything makes me say it will be coming out in 2020. Except for the fact that the other two consoles are coming out consoles in 2020. Yeah. And if it does come out, I'm suspecting a June release to undercut those two. But yeah. You know, we've been hearing these rumours for a while and they've been pretty much on parallel with the same people who are leaking switch many details. Yeah. leads me to believe.


Mike Macdermid 1:22:40  

I think it's going to happen next up yet. Releasing physically as part of their Resident Evil triple pack in the US Resident Evil five and six had leaked physical Additions on the Australian retail sites. So look out for that as well. Also, if you're a fan of oddworld games, it looks like We might be getting more oddworld World Games coming to the switch and new and tasty and munches Odyssey. And I know you're a big fan of the one that we've got, which is on the switch already. Yeah, I love it.


Anton Winters 1:23:13  

I'm so warmed up a little bit about the pricing of these games. But nonetheless, it would be good to see especially munches all to tape would be a good one that was obviously on the same console as strangers wrath. Yeah. So wound up about the price thoughts.


Mike Macdermid 1:23:28  

I know, I know. Well, it's, you know, very good games, but maybe just slightly overpriced at the moment. Popular supply chain liquor. Digi time suggests Nintendo is gearing up for a new switch model and mid 2020s. We just mentioned that the hardware would have a magnesium alloy and better CPU. We'll probably talk about that in due course we'll have to sort of dwell on that next up Platinum game president suggest that we have big announcement, many big announcements in 2020. Again, I would agree with that. We've talked about that at length. And they also say that astral chain sold above expectations as a gamer. Really I want to play but only because of the reaction of people I was there because originally I'd had no real interest in ever having seen people rave about this game. And it does look amazing. I must admit it looks really solid as another solid looking title. I've got an interest in it I just don't know when I'm going to get to it.


Al Struthers 1:24:14  

I'm a bit like you I'd written it off when I first saw the announcement and one of the directors ignored the hype that came out was released. Certainly swung me and suspicious of this one got a few people if it's all above expectation.


Anton Winters 1:24:27  

Yeah, yeah. This was the game I never saw. What was interesting about that I found that interesting where when even when it came out was like I don't understand I think I generally need to just sit down and play it and which is a shame because there isn't one that's got my attention but there's clearly something I'm missing here I think


Mike Macdermid 1:24:44  

Yeah. Well they said as well that if it sells well it might become a trilogy as well which would be really great. Next up box are have leaked Tokyo Mirage sessions hashtag FP encore, that it's getting Joker from persona five, which is another slap in the face that we don't have per On a five but let's not talk about that too much. Yeah, I think we will do I still think we'll get persona five this year I said that every year since this which launched this year we're getting persona five What do you think


Anton Winters 1:25:14  

Anton? Yes or No I've just given up my hope I think there were so many burns last year that I've plaster on it the winds are finally here. I'm not gonna


Mike Macdermid 1:25:24  

fail me know. You're not gonna you're not going to pick up the scab anymore. Next up, Nintendo files. New Mario and Luigi trademark who do we be getting a new game now we had the 3ds title, which didn't sell as well as some of the other ones. I don't think Antoine. But


Anton Winters 1:25:37  

yeah, the last game bankrupt a studio that was behind it. And obviously, Nintendo has seemingly put more and more money behind the franchise, so it would be unlikely to leave it today. And but it would have to have a very big drunk because even on the 3d asset war was one of the more primitive titles and Sorry, just before we shuffled We've missed one really big announcement. Oh, as the at the Pokemon direct they also announced Pokemon Mystery Dungeon rescue dx. And that is a whole brand new it's a remake of the original Mystery Dungeon game a full blown RPG where he plays Pokemon characters. And there's a demo out right now and it'll be coming out on March Sep 2020 Okay, so the dam was actually available now. Indeed as a full blown whole new game. It's not doesn't play like one of the normal Pokemon games. Just Just so we don't forget.


Mike Macdermid 1:26:36  

Okay, yeah, actually, I wasn't even aware because I think all the news has been about the DLC from what I've seen are certainly the majority of us been talking about the DLC so yeah, I'm going to check that out. And I'll started maybe one that you might be interested in looking


Al Struthers 1:26:48  

at. We'll probably go and have a look at it. certainly been playing a few Pokemon games and over the last year or two, so yeah. Yeah. Gunder


Mike Macdermid 1:26:55  

Excellent. Well,


Anton Winters 1:26:56  

look, we low sure to carry forward you're safe. So if you end up liking it You can pick up the game and a couple months even


Mike Macdermid 1:27:03  

that far away. I love Dragon Quest demo. Excellent. Good too. Good to hear. All right, look, we've actually made it to the end of the rumours. I'm absolutely ecstatic at that because it was a big list and we've managed to fire through it we are definitely the longest episode of all time but that's okay cuz it's the start of a new season so why the heck not? Why the heck no. And I'm very excited now Alastair, because now it's time for our brand new quiz.


Al Struthers 1:27:28  

Indeed, and you know what the good news is, this week was can be a very short quiz. Anyway, I deliberately kept this short and I had a funny feeling this might run long. So the new quiz format for me the didn't hear the special that we did last week, and I've taken over and I frankly, can't keep doing what Mike and I and Tom are doing because we ran out of games effectively.


Mike Macdermid 1:27:51  

format from Yeah, we've knitted format from another podcast that we listen to, and I basically read out three video games to them. made up. One of them is real. And Mike and I don't have got to figure out which one is the real video game. This week is about as brief as it can possibly get. And again, we have a theme this theme is playing as a child. Okay, and that playing as a child before you start Alster as well just so that people know each week will alternate who goes first so that this obviously there you know, that will determine how much detail you go into but the other ones and how much you want to give away to you. The other person that's playing so you will decide who goes first but we'll let you kind of so playing What was it again?


Al Struthers 1:28:35  

Just playing as a child playing as it was last week, Mike, you got to go first this week it will be entered going first, but the three games are there. Was there a video game of hide and seek? What's the time Mr. Wolf, or pass the parcel? So Hide and Seek I think might have been on the Atari 2600 what time Mr. Wolf might have been in the BBC Micro and pass the parcel might have been on the snares and on Which is the real game


Anton Winters 1:29:01  

oh and


Mike Macdermid  1:29:03  

that's what we're looking for the real game yeah


Al Struthers 1:29:05  

you're looking for the real game is to meet up on there and one real whoa I'm gonna


Anton Winters 1:29:10  

go for the snake there no the BBC Micro game I'm gonna go with that ones the real ones the


Al Struthers 1:29:18  

BBC Micro what's the time Mr. Wolf


Mike Macdermid 1:29:21  

okay so what was your reasoning on


Anton Winters 1:29:24  

that it just feels like something they would slap on to the front all fat Calif spectrum magazine and then count somebody would be like going for the supermarket be like oh this would be good for a Little Timmy is called one of those BBC thanks and the shades I don't know it just feels like a developer pandering to parents off 12 year old boy


Unknown Speaker 1:29:49  

okay so


Mike Macdermid 1:29:50  

give it give us the games in the in the cotton the formats again also


Al Struthers 1:29:54  

so for your benefit like there was on the Atari 2600 it was Hide and Seek on the BBC Micro there was What's the time Mr. Wolf and on the snares there was past the parcel, right one actually existed,


Mike Macdermid 1:30:05  

did you? So I don't think it was what's the time Mr. Wolf and the micro and the reason for that is on the BBC Micro the one game I remember was grannies garden. And in Granny's garden there was a wolf. And I think that's a red herring. Otherwise, it was some sort of weird sequel. The snares game doesn't ring true. So I'm going to say back in the primitive days of the Atari, I'm going to say Hide and Seek was the the real game


Al Struthers 1:30:30  

right, well, you both agree on the snares game, pass the parcel, and you are right, that is an entirely fabricated game. Although I can kinda see somebody doing that I can Yeah, I can imagine some random thing I say they're making a publishing house kind of thing. You might get more in the switch. So we should do that and switch passes are


Mike Macdermid 1:30:47  

past the switch online play pass the parcel if you do with a real switch, pass the pocket might you might Yeah, that'd be bad.


Al Struthers 1:30:54  

Yeah, you might lose your switch. Don't do that. So it comes down to heightened secret. What's the time Mr. Wolf The real game was Hide and Seek 2600 and it was awful. I mean truly awful. It was wrongly pan that your game was called sneak and peek. So that was his real game really was thinking big and you basically had to just more care of the room Go and hide somewhere. And then the other player, come back in, sit down in the keyboard and try and find you. And you basically spent the time flailing around while your time came to down because you couldn't find anyone The graphics are terrible. It was an awful, awful game, but it existed. So there you go.


Mike Macdermid 1:31:34  

Just out of interest after Did you have Granny's garden in mind with the BBC Micro?


Al Struthers 1:31:38  

No, but as soon as you said it my moon flashback and I think I certainly played the game. I don't think I owned it. But as soon as you said that, that that rang true.


Mike Macdermid 1:31:46  

grannies garden was the game that was in our classroom.


Al Struthers 1:31:48  

Yes, that's exactly where I remember playing.


Mike Macdermid 1:31:52  

I mean, that's, that was my only thought. And I think that might mean of supplemental memory of yours because there was a wolf in there for sure. Because there was


Unknown Speaker 1:31:58  

Yeah, you're absolutely right. So there we are gradually, so far.


Mike Macdermid 1:32:02  

I know for goodness sake, that's, I mean, I had to get an early lead off to build up a couple of because it's certainly not going to stay that way. But yeah, I really like this. I think it's cool. And I guess you can kind of change up the format depending on your themes and how you want to do it. And as long as you know, we just have between us have a go at it, then it's Yeah, I'm excited to have another go next week. Well done. I'll start like it.


Anton Winters 1:32:23  

Thank you.


Al Struthers 1:32:24  

Thank you. We'll try and make it better. I'm gonna call it some more I'm gonna get more weird wacky as we go on. So the more weird and wacky the better.


Mike Macdermid 1:32:29  

Right, that's it for this week. Just a quick reminder, NSU key podcast on Twitter. We're on all the podcast wherever you get your normal podcast from where they are, make sure you subscribe and if you're able to leave us a review, we are on Apple podcast. That's where our reviews tend to go just because even if you don't download from there that they have reviews there. So that's helpful. And it really helps us promote the show also, we are at NSU Kp code at UK Anton's on YouTube. Sometimes he was streaming the other night you can go and still see that Rogue Legacy was playing that Did a minute last night but I was kind of on my mobile so I couldn't really stay on for too long but anywhere else I'm missing Anton. Oh,


Anton Winters 1:33:08  

basically, if you head to the website, you'll get more links everywhere. We're on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and we've got our email at podcast at NSU key p co dot k, and iTunes. You can send us if you're able to give us a review. It would be very greatly appreciated. We'll give it a little you read out here on the podcast. Yeah, I think think we've done everything. So long. We've just became delirious.


Mike Macdermid 1:33:36  

I know also, what about you anything you want to add before we finish up?


Al Struthers  1:33:39  

No, I think that covers it was not around the whole page on the people sort of the want to support us. We would love it. If not, then we still love you.


Mike Macdermid 1:33:46  

Yeah, absolutely. And on that note, thank you so much for sticking with us for a very long first episode of the second season episode 48 and total. You've been fantastic. I've been like goodbye mo


Anton Winters 1:33:57  

chiru by arafah