Nintendo Switch UK Podcast

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Maker Me A Jetpack - Episode 46

Mike, Anton and Al are back with this week's latest Nintendo Switch UK Podcast.

We've got the rundown on some of the new releases coming to the Switch in time for Christmas, including an HD remake of Princess Maker 3, Pile Up!, Demon Pit, XenoRaptor and Willy Jetman: Astromonkey's revenge to name but a few.

We also talk about the launch of the Nintendo Switch in China, some recent ports that are looking and playing brilliantly, a huge Bloomberg prediction for the Switch and Animal Crossing.

We've also got the weekly quiz and loads more content too!

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Maker Me A Jetpack - Episode 46 Anton, Alastair and Mike

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Transcription [BETA]

Mike Macdermid 0:13

Hello, and thank you for downloading Episode Number 46 of the Nintendo Switch UK podcast. I'm Mike

Anton Winters 0:21


Mike Macdermid 0:23

And we are back here once again Alex, thanks to have you back. Although we did have a great week with James It was a very fun podcast. Not because you weren't there but because James was there because it was it was good to hear what he's been

Al Struthers 0:34

playing made for really good. Listen, I was drunk driving up from Edinburgh to Aberdeen at about half past two in the morning listen to and it was it was nice hearing you was a good episode. Well done, guys. Was

Mike Macdermid 0:44

it weird? Not having you on?

Al Struthers 0:46

It was weird not having me on.

Mike Macdermid 0:48

Did you think he's good, but don't get too Don't get too comfortable. James. Is that what you thought

Al Struthers 0:52

it was going to fear for my seats? To be honest, he speaks pretty good.

Anton Winters 0:54

It's like he knows what he's doing. Yeah, it's like he's played

Mike Macdermid 0:56

a lot of switching is he sort of knows how to sort of speaking of podcasts. He's pretty good isn't he?

Al Struthers 1:00

He is pretty good yeah but anyway I was away last week and bike this weekend can tell you all about my travels after we've introduced our third

Mike Macdermid 1:06

Yeah, Musketeer Alistair who is also fantastic by the way but Anton is the other fabulous member of our team is one of those days where we want to complement each other.

Anton Winters 1:17

It's fun I got I'm excited to the quiz this week it said now that I'm getting to the end but I can just choose what game I want and I got some fun stuff this week.

Mike Macdermid 1:25

Yeah, no, well I'm excited for that as well because for those that don't know that maybe are listening for the first time season one for us comes to an end at the end of 2019 season two is going to start in 2020 we've got all sorts of stuff happening for that which you will hear about over the next few weeks in December it's a very very busy month it's a busy month anyway Alastair let low and what we're doing with the podcast

Al Struthers 1:46

it is there's a logo him and you You're always busy actually is this month any busier for you than normal?

Mike Macdermid 1:51

It Yes. Always Always slightly busier no matter what I tried to do those extra things people want to do things a bit more special. Of course yeah Christmas time.

Al Struthers 1:59

Yeah. So on Well, I I'm getting caught up because I was on holiday last weekend I was over in Vienna, lovely friends. And actually no, yeah, it was a good it was it was very, very nice. I can recommend vns please to go particularly Christmas but there was one evening, they held a party up to some friends and the Halloween party and bought some people over in their older kids playing around and there was one girl who really knows each other in big 10 as it gets by 10 and she was surrounded by much much smaller children. She looked a bit bored, kinda and so I said to her turn it out. There's a switch playing the TV you're gonna play that so she pulled up my switch and started playing Mario Odyssey. She hasn't played a video game ever took to it like a duck to water. Yeah. But what really blew my mind is one of the other mums who was there his boat I Rachel How can I say mid 30s generously runway there. And she saw this game and she went was that

Anton Winters 2:50

meriel Yeah,

Al Struthers 2:52

no, no, Mario is not 3d. No matter is a 2d platformer. She hadn't seen a video game of Mario since sort of the Nez snazzy era That blew my mind. Game conversate there.

Mike Macdermid 3:03

Yeah, that's good. I mean, it just shows you isn't it that I think the switch is the one that can do that. For people who maybe haven't played the switch before or haven't played a gaming console since the 90s.

Unknown Speaker 3:14

Well, I'm pretty sure that kitty is now getting a switch for Christmas.

Al Struthers 3:16

So if you're listening, john,

Unknown Speaker 3:18

then well and for joining the podcast with

Mike Macdermid 3:20

absolutely and Anton you're busy as well. You've been you've been always busy.

Anton Winters 3:26

Yes, I assignments are busy this time of year by trying to squeeze in as little gaming as possible. But yeah, successfully, sadly.

Mike Macdermid 3:34

Yeah, I'm I'm not trying to squeeze in as little gaming. I'm trying to squeeze in as much as I can. So we'll come on to what we've been playing in the last week before that. Just a quick reminder. Twitter, ns UK podcast on Twitter, you can get reviews. You can leave a review sorry, on Apple podcasts. Although we're on loads of different podcasts apps were I think I listened to us on what's the one we use over

Unknown Speaker 3:56

overcast, overcast.

Anton Winters 4:00

coming to my podcast on Overwatch. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 4:03

absolutely. So yeah, so overcast, but there's loads of different ways you can get us. We've also got the website, Anton.

Anton Winters 4:08

Yes at NSU You can get links there to all of our apps, as Mike just said, all the different podcast sites we're on at Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and go back and count explore some of the older episodes if you're interested.

Mike Macdermid 4:22

Yes. Now there is quite a lot to get through to today in terms of news and announcements and rumours and things but we'll we'll talk about that in a moment. But let's just quickly talk about what we've been playing Anton What have you been,

Anton Winters 4:31

oh, I've been the the heretic of the week I've been playing Halo Reach on PC for classic centre. I know as I think these guys are going to have to cover this stupidly much on your travels. I'll starting to play little, a little bit. I did a little bit of Pokemon. I'm

Al Struthers 4:47

nearly finished. I'm so close. But when I was in holdy, I bought a new game from the store. When I was on sale. I bought the jackbox game for 899 or 799 Maybe not as good as the one we've got. I think you and I combined you've got two and three. Yeah. So I've now got four. It's good fun. Yeah, two and three are still are still better. So if you're, if you're not bought one yet,

Mike Macdermid 5:08

like two or three, and it's a party game is the kind of game that if you've got friends over at Christmas, and you can pick one of those games up, it's good fun. No matter who they are, whether they play video games or not, they'll enjoy it. I've put a bit of a few things actually, because I think last week I was saying I finished. What did I finished last weekend? Don't help me out here. There's a game old Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters. Yes. So I finished Ghostbusters. So I went back to the telltale Batman games played the next chapter of that which is thoroughly enjoyable even though I've played it before, but I haven't played three, episode three to six, and one for the first two and police station. So now I'm on two, three and enjoying that played a bit at dusk diver which reminds me a bit of a kind of dynasty, Dynasty Warriors type game but with a bit of persona five in terms of in the daytime, you've got tasks to do in a night time. You go and fight lots of enemies and it's lots of combo moves and all that sort of a beat him up and it's actually

Al Struthers 6:02

not a night team school simulator.

Mike Macdermid 6:04

And no no no just to be clear yeah thanks for that. No, absolutely not. But it is good fun and yeah it's it's it's probably I can see what the city that you're in it's probably not developed enough that you want to spend loads and loads of time in there you could I think the main stories about seven or eight hours long but you could maybe spend another double that going around and you know doing extra things but I suspect that's where the downfall of this game will be as a go on is that they're not quite developed enough so maybe in the future just divert to will be a title that I'll look at again, but really good enjoy that. Also, interestingly, I've gone back to Assassin's Creed and I've been playing liberation, which was the one that was originally in the PS Vita, and then also Assassin's Creed three, so I'm going to finish liberation so quite enjoying it, but that's because Assassin's Creed Black Flag and what's the one that comes with it again, I'll rock rogue. It came out this week. And great news if you're a fan of the Assassin's Creed game. Which I am. The reviews have been very very good the frame rates been solid. It's looking great there's no bugs like there was with Assassin's Creed three in terms of the silent popping and all sorts of things low times that about on a par with the other versions. And in one case, I was looking at one reviewer who said that on handheld when he was playing it on his switch. I don't know if it was a light or a standard switch. He said that he felt it looks better than the PC version of the game he had himself. Wow. And that's because in handheld obviously that's the point of it, but it was the Assassin's Creed Assassin's Creed game that he said we all would have wanted when three came and obviously it's black flag which is a lot of people's favourites.

Al Struthers 7:43

Yes by far my favourite. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 7:45

Pirates cool.

Mike Macdermid 7:47

Yeah, so I'm going to go and play it properly. Eventually. Also ninokuni arrived this week as well. But how it starts is about 55 hours long to get through the main story. So that is on my list. So

Anton Winters 7:56

I'm going to quite busy week really. I'm jealous. Like I've been really want to get that Black Flag decal because I've given free a fair chance but but black flag must pass me by sort the fact that's actually running well as fantastic because I I recall when anything came out on ps4 as notorious for crashing and having game breaking glitches so the fact that actually works on switch is fantastic to hear and especially with broke a lot of people missed that pie so it's probably gonna be the first time a lot of people play that one.

Mike Macdermid 8:27

Yeah will be for me definitely in fact Black Flag I played a bit on PlayStation four but never kind of finished it didn't get into is that much but to be honest, I think I will this time I think I'll be more focused going into annual A lot of people have a lot of love for that game. And I'm really enjoying Assassin's Creed three anyway because I've got past that whole kind of first curve where people say it's quite slow and I didn't quite liked it but a lot of people say it's quite slow and I'm into this I mean gaming and liberation is a good little game as well. I mean, I think it's a lot shorter. It's like feels like a mobile Assassin's Creed game, but that first double pocket Cast had a patch since it was released. So liberation performs really really well because it was a v2 game is actually probably performing better than it did initially. Anyway,

Unknown Speaker 9:09

I would like to think so. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 9:10

it should be I mean, there's no there's no

Al Struthers 9:12

excuse which got bit more horsepower than a veto.

Mike Macdermid 9:14

Yeah, but even still, I think it actually is. So then I think, you know, definitely worth checking out with a new double pack for Assassin's Creed yet it seems to be getting good reviews. So that is some good news. Right, then I think we should move on to this week's news.

Anton Winters 9:29

So first of all, going

Mike Macdermid 9:30

through a few announcements of some new releases and see fk Not to be confused with KFC have announced an HD remake of Princess maker three princess maker fairy tales come true. And it comes out on the 23rd of December just in time for Christmas. Who doesn't love a fairy tale in time for Christmas on all

Anton Winters 9:49

exact colours you know you get this with your your Disney movies and then you have a whale of a time But surprisingly, I was carefully expecting one of those like, almost like one of those flash games where you just trace up your princess or something like that. But no actually looks have a little bit more content on its bonds. And obviously, I think it's clear that it's not for everybody, but camp has a little bit more RPG ish elements where you chat to people and you Converse and it's got like top down bits.

Al Struthers 10:15

Yeah, build up build up your skills you get you get a profession and this order has multiple endings as well. So I think the idea is can you turn yourself into the princess?

Mike Macdermid 10:23

Yeah, I think what I would say looking at this game is don't be fooled by the title. Don't think that this is necessarily something that is for for kids. I think it looks a little deeper. Yeah, absolutely. And I think definitely worth checking out. I don't know is another

Al Struthers 10:38

kicking around since 2017. Okay. Good reviews. Yeah, yeah, yes, pretty much. I think they're about a four to five star so it's, it's I guess it's a fairly niche game, but it does get well reviewed.

Mike Macdermid 10:49

It feels like a good good fit on the switch, though, Anton.

Anton Winters 10:52

Oh, definitely. I won't lie. I feel like just the tail alone really sells this game short. And it sounds like a We're title but it looks like as polished as any of those weird quirky Japanese anime esque games are like it has that count similar level of polish that you'd expect from all of those titles.

Mike Macdermid 11:15

Excellent. All right, well got another one then for you. And this next game is from CaseWare they're bringing is it Prince streamium

Unknown Speaker 11:23

immortality or immortally it was immortal

Mike Macdermid 11:25

immortal it is there are some really odds title to look at. It doesn't look like it's spelt right but it's streamium immortally it's coming on Christmas day and it's a kind of eight bit Metroid style game with the jet pack. Now I quit like Jetpack Joyride, which was the mobile game that I played forever. Is it a bit like that Anton? Oh,

Anton Winters 11:44

yeah. If you took that game playing like cramped it inside of a Metroid game, I could see that. Yeah, it's same. It's very frantic, you're flying around and it's very much borderline bullet heli and tell us shooting off your projectiles. Wow, if you can remember the first person shooter strafe, with that kind of graininess to it, it kind of has that great pixel art acetic as well as it looks interesting. Yeah, some cool lighting stuff going

Al Struthers 12:13

on again, it looks like it's been very cleverly done.

Mike Macdermid 12:15

Yeah, it looks good. I mean, again, I like the animation in between. I think there's some cool little bits that they've done. Molly issue is with eight bit style games at the moment is a feel a little bit saturated with them. And I think there's so much out there that I see one and I probably don't give it a time I shoot because I look at and go, okay, I've seen this before, but this one, because it's got that jetpack element to it. It does feel almost like you've got to have a next level of thinking involved, which probably rules me out playing very well. I was there.

Al Struthers 12:45

I am. Likewise, some terrible these things is another one of these ones that's been kicking around for a while I think it was released in 2015 2016. somewhere that song steams, again, it gets very, very, very well reviewed. That seems to be a bit of a theme of games have announced this week. A lot of them are out on other platforms and we're kind of just Catching up

Mike Macdermid 13:00

good and yeah and good reviews, well reviewed games as well next up another one that's coming out on Christmas day and it's a classic Doom inspired shooter which you can never really go wrong with, I believe because they're always good fun. Unless they're terrible, but usually they're not. digerati have announced demon pit for the Nintendo Switch. Was this one out on?

Anton Winters 13:19

Oh yes. If you can imagine like Sonic Mania, you know, host Sonic Mania came along and it did another Sonic game but that's stuff that they couldn't do back in the 90s this very much does stuff left the countdown one to aesthetic and gameplay that you couldn't do not rational like hardware, so there's far more effective khaliqul verticality verticality. yeah there we are. I didn't know English sometimes. And yeah, so you can just fly is it just seems a lot more frantic can boring some elements that kind of almost seemed like can do maternal how you can like sit dashon calc directions. This one. I fear of the I fear what they charge for it because we do have Doom one into some true classics for like free 99 but my attention

Mike Macdermid 14:10

and what I find interesting but this is sort of an arena shooter Are we going to get you know online are we going to get caught up because that might be the kind of thing that would set it apart and put it to the next level because it does look a lot of fun Of course it is well done it is

Al Struthers 14:26

you mean your rate is very very Doom the description of the demons are just did things with an update to the Sonic Mania is spot yes but spot on as you can possibly get it just like say someone waved a magic wand the doom and made it looks slightly newer but still look like Doom yes description. Give me for it. Yeah.

Mike Macdermid 14:41

What about the multiplayer aspect?

Anton Winters 14:44

I'm not familiar if it's got any multiplayer cool. I would hope so. Especially considering even the first Doom having multiplayer, and how critical that was for success even though it was primitive. I would hope I would have something cosecha See I think it would set apart and you know I think if they priced us for like eight pounds with for for player multiplayer, that could be a game like even within our close circle we could get and running and all like for hat into the ring to see if it's any good. Well I

Mike Macdermid 15:16

remember years ago I think I've mentioned this before I worked on a cruise ship and briefly years ago and at that time, our internet online wasn't particularly great. So what they used to do was in the old computer room which wasn't really used because it was kind of outdated we used to network doom and do at networks games of doom and doom nights and things which was amazing fun and this is like years after Doom it wasn't back you know as long as that but I can just see that with this I could I could see this being a kind of decent title 899 is what it's going to be released on the switch is is reasonable so you just have to look to see if you can spot anything about the the kind of multiplayer aspect but am I think

Al Struthers 15:58

I can't see anything Oh yeah. down the page, but it being multiplayer was a bit depressing.

Mike Macdermid 16:02

It's kind of we've based I think, are the, you know, more kind of weak base in terms of the enemies, but I just I just thought I think that would take it to the next level. But look, watch this space. It looks good. And if you like the doom games, it's probably worth having to look at especially at 99. That's not bad.

Anton Winters 16:15

Not definitely. And I might give that one a cool app. So I'm curious. Yeah.

Mike Macdermid 16:21

Next up is a bit of a theme this week for jetpacks because blg publishing have announced Willie gentleman, Astro monkeys revenge that is that's a title and a half it's a new jet pack space shooter and it's coming on January the 31st $15 in American money, so I'm assuming a right about the same for us. Quite interesting art style quite Tim. It reminds me of terror terror terrarium. Is that the kind of

Anton Winters 16:51

2d Minecraft sale game Yes.

Mike Macdermid 16:52

Yeah. looks a little bit like that meets maybe like lemmings.

Anton Winters 16:58

interesting for me. It just reminded me off that I think we caught the last piece of band where it was that game that had like the you're essentially playing a middle finger flying through space, or like that. Remember that saying Yeah, the crazy one yeah, and my fault sound the same where I'm just like, I don't know, just seems like Gameplay wise I'm not seeing anything new and we've had a lot of space shooters as of late, especially on the switch, we've picked up a lot the classic like, historic arcade titles that never made its console. So this one come in and out 4% but really around 15 pounds. I'm on the fence, but it does have that count Britishness to a sense of humour. So who knows that has has room to woo me.

Mike Macdermid 17:43

I like the title in the It reminds me of the classic spectrum and Commodore 64 era titles, where things were a bit different in terms of titles, and it could be as wacky as the likes, and you used to have stupid titles, you know, and

Al Struthers 17:55

yeah, and the characterization looks pretty cool. Yeah, so it's gonna be a fun game to play it from this from From the visual site whether the game itself I have no idea we'll find out January

Mike Macdermid 18:04

yeah want to keep an eye on if you're a fan of you know kind of retro looking games then it might be worth checking out as well. Next up Sean young has a notice his Kickstarter, darling little Buddha is coming to switch in 2020. Now this is an RPG style in the style of Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley which is a fairly crams market, especially when Stardew Valley keep adding more content and giving you new updates. It makes it difficult to break into but I have to say it looks nice. It looks really quite well done. I'm definitely interested to see how this does. Antonina Is it one that you might look

Anton Winters 18:40

at and I'm on the fence as I am yet to properly play an animal crossing or star to Valley. Yeah, I've purchased it and people meaning to get to the wave of the switch but I

Mike Macdermid 18:52

played a bit of star too. And I think for me, it's such a commitment and I think for some people It's exactly the commitment that they're going to you know, they're just going to eat up those hours and I think whenever so many games to play I keep looking at and go Yeah, I want to play that but not today. I think that's my issue with it. So I think for me, it's not going to be on my immediate list unless it gets it does something spectacularly different, but it does look great. And I do like the Martinez nez

Al Struthers 19:21

looks exactly Zelda looks like Zelda on snares. That's, it's already on Steam. It's one minute schools ages ago, this was early and you can make the switch. And it's just promoting steam, and it's going to come out in the switch shortly. But very, very good reviews on Steam. I believe

Anton Winters 19:39

that the big news at the moment is that they're confirming a rough window of February 2020. And but yes, you know, I found it very interesting with this game in particular is the first time when I've looked at game on sweatshirt, like, this is a game that I would, I would say it feels like a handheld tale as we get a lot of games on switch where we're like, oh, that's a console game or that's kind of Oh, that would work well handled. This is the first type of loot type game especially like, this looks perfect for a switch light or something like yeah, you just having this simplified

Mike Macdermid 20:10

graphics you could imagine this being a three death 3ds or a 2d Ds release. You know, I can't imagine it being one that would have been an ex previously on on previous handheld consoles. So

Al Struthers 20:23

it's actually very cutesy and very relaxing. It looks it looks like a lovely game. It seems a bit of a crap description, but I suspect that it will be accurate.

Mike Macdermid 20:30

No, no, I think you're probably right. Next up, seed by seed have announced pile up and it's coming to the switch. And it's an asymmetric top down Corp platform. And it launches in 2020. There's a few of these kind of coffee kind of games where you know, we have stretchers, which is the big one that Nintendo just sort of randomly dropped on us recently. Acquired like anything with a bit of a Corp. element to it think over cukes although that stresses me out, no end, but this has got kind of sporting elements in it as well it looks kind of fun a bit wacky. I like to look at the trailer I was there

Al Struthers 21:05

I do as well it's not often you get to play a game as a cardboard box. That's what you're doing here they're controlling for cardboard boxes to make your way through your land and try to run through puzzles reminds me of what was that game it was on PS and it was novita actually where it was all everything was leftover paper were all

Anton Winters 21:21


Al Struthers 21:22

terribly anyway yeah I'm really like takeaway very very similar style.

Mike Macdermid 21:25

There was also a game right at the start of the switch life span where you play as a kind of box or a cube I'm trying to think what it was more platformer game

Anton Winters 21:35

Oh boy, but

Mike Macdermid 21:36

not box by no box but without spitting. Proper kind of more 3d world and I agree. great views. a

Al Struthers 21:45

nutcase. Let's not talk about it.

Mike Macdermid 21:47

Well, I was gonna say was it it looks like that but better. This looks like it's more rather than try and make it a one player single player adventure. This is more about so working together. And you know, I kind of like that element that could be quite good fun play through Anton I know that sometimes you have evenings where you'll you know, you'll want to do some Co Op Is this the kind of game you would look at?

Anton Winters 22:10

Why like this game it's interesting where it doesn't have any explicit gimmick and the gameplay but just looking at the trailer it has a low Polish they can count over two levels of Polish for a quote game. It looks very pretty without being particularly abstract and it's our sale. I'm fear that it's going to be an 18 pound title, which I think would be a bit much but I think maybe the 10 99.8 would probably be a possible contender. Yeah.

Mike Macdermid 22:44

Looks looks pretty good. Maybe wait for a sale maybe that would be the thing but we'll see what the

Al Struthers 22:48

we'll see what the reviews that's our constant advice isn't it? Wait for a sale.

Mike Macdermid 22:52

I say wait for sale. By No, no, I do actually always look for a good deal. Also on the way that was get one on the way as well. We've got from They have announced it is wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon infinite combat RPG dungeon crawler with dating elements is also going to get physical released it comes out in 2020 at be kuber more like the visual novel guys though, aren't they normally on?

Anton Winters 23:15

Yes indeed a very, very Japanese shuttle fruit and fruit. Yeah, and this one is very much a few imagine Spelunky but at spelunker, but top down at Camp RPG, and then all of a sudden jumps into Phil anime, like at people on screen with textbooks and dialogues options and try to woo a partner. And I don't see we should probably say that. Is it wrong straight pick up girls and dungeons is actually an anime cartoon is like three or four seasons and a couple of movies. It's a big thing. Okay. It's not over here. We're just not aware of it.

Mike Macdermid 23:53

Yeah, yeah. You find that with a lot of the the peak the pq stuff, there's a history behind whatever they're working on and You know the visual novels they're pretty good stories although sometimes they do tend to sort of go on to this very Japanese slightly risky anime at times but i think you know if you if you take the element out of it the stories that they released generally are quite good news of these day one pox I suspect this will have a day one pack as well. We get lots of limited edition extras like badges and stuff.

Anton Winters 24:24

Yeah, get your 12 stickers and it's like five pages long. Absolutely. And then they'll be all over it.

Mike Macdermid 24:31

Yeah, I have a couple of day one additions, but nevermind. Um, but yeah, so look out for that. Coming up. Next up Alien Isolation is out now. And according to an animal analysis by Digital Foundry, it's looking better than the ps4 and xbox one port of the game. That's, this is the kind of news I want to hear more of because, you know, we got a lot of criticism for some of the ports that come to the switch, but we know it can be done. Well. I talked about Assassin's Creed just a moment ago. The reviews that's been getting this week black flag that is. So looks like people are saying that this is looking really great, Anton.

Anton Winters 25:07

Yeah, it makes me almost curious if on the count, the more powerful console sets, they get points where developers are like, yeah, we can this game runs comfortable. And they don't go to the effort pouring it because here they feel like for instance, even with me, half games are multi platform, they might have a ps4 version is 20 to 40 gigabytes. And then we can switch version it's like condensed down to 10 gigabytes. And I think it's kind of a real good demonstration and how having those boundaries help forces developers to be a little bit more creative and hold a kill, problem solve and get running on the hardware.

Mike Macdermid 25:44

Well, I was reading about the Witcher three this week, the developers and they were they were talking about how when they first ported it to the switch. Well, obviously before it was released, they tried to play it and it was a mess so they couldn't even play it was like frame rate was ridiculous everything but you know, just wasn't working. So they had to try and find creative ways and they spent, you know, the best part of a year really thinking about how they could creatively move things around to make it run well, and obviously that port has done really well there are corners being cut, but then again, the Witcher three is a massive, massive game and you're running out on a handheld console. You know, I think that is amazing. And I think that's the lesson it's, it's the ones that are taking that time to really think about what they do with their highly important and not just been on there and make a couple of quick changes and then realise that halfway down the road, there's problems with the game. So

Al Struthers 26:32

yeah, I mean, it sort of comes back to good coding hygiene. It's way too easy to write programmes and code these days that is just bloated and is clunky. But there's a really really am as an art form writing concise code. Most companies don't have the time to do it because it costs money to do it. And I love You're a bit too lazy to lobby to try and make something as efficient as possibly can be because horsepower so high most computers these days, storage capacity, so high most computers these days that you don't need to do it.

Mike Macdermid 27:00

Well that was the big thing he talks about as well and this Witcher three that originally the the size of it was like double what what they ended up getting it to fit on a cartridge and and you know he said that that was in itself was a minor medical that we thought we had to think about and then we start thinking well why are we wasting Why do we waste so much space on games when we don't actually need to because you know you got PlayStation four game and it's you know 40 gig to download or whatever and your thing it doesn't necessarily need to be that it's just about creative management it's just as you said it's probably too easy on sir

Al Struthers 27:30

I mean, I've no idea where the rigour of practice good hygiene along those lines or not, but it wasn't rare and man, all the guys that do Gran Turismo not not gonna tell you more Grand Theft Auto Rockstar, you rock star Thank you when they brought out my brain is not working I brought a Red Dead Redemption on the the latest editions of Nelson to blu ray discs. Yeah, I'll bet you that could have been reduced down to one if they've just been really consistently good. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 27:53

I do sometimes wonder but I guess if you don't need to, that you probably don't think about it's only when these things come up, you know, used to be Big thing and you know old systems where you really had to cram everything into 16 bit, you know, style for Megadrive or 32 bit for the Saturn or whatever. So yeah, no well done to the team that have ported that because that's that's, you know quite a big achievement is great to hear. Next up then 10 cents that's in China they've announced the switch will launch on the 10th of December. So it's going to be a week this week because the switch is going to launch and on the the pack looks quite good as well. But if you've seen the actual, the switch in all its glory, but it looks nice.

Anton Winters 28:33

Yeah, it looks there's really excited and it looks like a fairly big launch because obviously, they're jumping in three years and on console. And there's so many titles and even looking at the launch lineup. I would like get up my arms and legs if I could have a console launch with the number of titles that they're getting on day one. And even then the exclusive rabbets game and I'm very excited because that preorder numbers have been looking good. So we're going to be getting tonnes more players on the switch.

Mike Macdermid 29:04

And I think I, I think I spotted a Dragon Quest edition of the launch where it's got Dragon Quest icons as well. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, that the blue ones it's amazing, isn't it? But

Anton Winters 29:19

yeah, and so I'm trying to think do I presume Apple podcast is available and so Hello, welcome to the podcast. Yes. A pleasure to have you.

Mike Macdermid 29:31

Yes, absolutely. As we know any Chinese New how many how long was it? Yeah, I was there. But I was with Koreans so I didn't really learn much time. Fair enough. But yes, big, big announcement and that's coming this week. So we'll see how that does. I think that's I think it's going to do really well to be honest, Bloomberg analysis. They have some predictions for the Nintendo Switch. They say this is really interesting. They say the switch can sell 20 million units annually for the next three years. That's good news for the podcast. So it should easily get to 100 million 2021 might be an even bigger year for title launches. I gotta agree with that. There's a new Zelda game. And it'll be time for a mid cycle refresh for all major Nintendo titles. So the ones I'm thinking about here at the big titles, obviously, we've got, we've got Zelda, we know that's, we'll get another Breath of the Wild 2021 Mario Kart, I suspect by 2021, there's going to be something there. And I tend to agree that we talked about the lifecycle of something and you think about the switch coming up for three years, which is insane. I know it still feels new. But the reality is that the switch can be new for a lot longer than previous generations. You think back to like the Sega Nintendo bottles of the early 90s. Actually, it was quite a short period of time before we moved on to the next console. And in the same way that the kind of mobile phones have plateaued a little bit over the last few years. I kind of feel I know we're getting you know, we're getting a new Xbox, PlayStation, all that stuff, but I kind of feel that we don't need to force out something new other than maybe a pro This stage, because it's doing so well. And it's about developing what we've already got.

Al Struthers 31:04

Yeah, the hardware jumps over the last few generations of service, Xbox and PlayStation. They've been small. I mean, they're not they're not been insignificant, but not in the same difference. He went from sort of the nest to the snares to the 64. Those are massive jumps. These have always been intuitive refinements. Yeah, really. And I think the next generation is going to be much such the same from what I've seen.

Mike Macdermid 31:25

Yeah. Great to know, Anton that we're gonna, you know, as a good prediction, I would love the idea that we're going to get these refresh of these big titles in a year's time.

Anton Winters 31:33

Definitely, and I think came looking at the history of Nintendo there. If they can stick by their consoles. Lee well, and looking back to the original Gameboy, it was unprovoked for close to like 15 and 20. Gang close to 20 years before the Gameboy Advance clearly came out to count count at rate on that. And it was only the release of the WonderSwan the WonderSwan that encouraged Nintendo to start developing a 16 handhelds. I'm sorry,

Al Struthers 32:01

Lisa, what? the WonderSwan I've got one downstairs will seem like the desktop. Everybody knows what that is.

Mike Macdermid 32:08

I actually have a WonderSwan through there. So I'll show you one before you go. It's a handheld console that was released in Japan in the late 90s. I want to say, but then in the early 2000s, there were new iterations of it. And they had things like Digi Mon and they had they had the we talked about one last week the O.

Al Struthers 32:28

o talks about

Anton Winters 32:28

it has a lot that it's a constantly fight band day. So it has a lot of the Bandai Games. Yeah, and a lot of Namco games that has some mega minds. It was created by gumpy Yokoi after he got fired from Nintendo for making the Virtual Boy so the same creator of the Gameboy and it's a fantastic lovely handhelds. Yeah, and you can get them quite cheap on eBay if you're up for some retro goodness. And the games are even quite affordable.

Mike Macdermid 32:53

Yeah, I would say spend the extra money and go for one of the newer ones that's got the colour the yeah definitely like backlit because I did buy one of those. And the seller had duped me by deliberately misleading with the title and it was one of the originals, which is very annoying. But he did have to pay back the difference because you know, I complained. So. However well

Al Struthers 33:15

My my, my mind has been blown. I did not realise the WonderSwan existed No, yeah,

Mike Macdermid 33:20

yeah, yeah. So there we are. So, yeah, so good news for the future is what we're saying of the switch. Right, we're gonna move on because we've still got a lot to get through. And there's, there's, you know, we don't want to, we don't want to go go on for two hours, which we could easily do. But we have always said we'll try and keep this around an hour. So let's move on to the next bit and using that Super Mario Maker to version two and it's now including the Master Sword, which turns Mario into link with his sword, shield bombs, and bow and arrows and the update also includes dash block, frozen coin, p block, p box, hence the latest spike, pokey and a new ninja ninja speedrun mode as well, which is cool.

Anton Winters 33:57

Yeah. I'm so excited. Especially the Zelda South Coast you know people are just going to exploit the game and give us borderline RPG I'm a little sad because I feel like this pretty much puts the nail in the coffin for us getting a proper legend Zelda maker and but again adds more value to Super Mario Maker and if it's successful you know with the the fourth game the franchise sale don't build up on those RPG elements f people really go into and just make a Super Smash maker Well

Mike Macdermid 34:25

yeah, just everything maker Yeah, it's good. It's cool. It's not a game that I played but I know there's a huge amount of love for it and you know it's it's really well to have you done it. I think you've you've played it antonova you

Anton Winters 34:36

all yeah, it's I don't really make labels I mainly just use it and maybe to the Tet I think it's a 10 minute challenge, or just gives you 10 labels or oh cool for like the the most popular labels that people made recently and cool. People are unbelievably creative. It's fantastic to see.

Mike Macdermid 34:53

Yeah, that's really cool. Let's move on to the next bit of news then and that is the Apple's most downloaded games. 2019 is Mario Kart tour Alistar gonna ask you about this cuz you probably played the most out of all of us

Al Struthers 35:04

yeah it comes as no surprise there's there's been people that I bumped into my office who as far as more don't play video games full stop have this game and enjoying it it's I think it's done wonders for Nintendo's awareness brand awareness if nothing else yeah, yeah, yeah until a good game they're still changing it up and you saw and paid a penny no penny. Yeah.

Mike Macdermid 35:24

All right, we'll move on. Sorry Anton. were you gonna say something on it?

Anton Winters 35:26

Oh, no, it's just amazing and see close. The thing is it didn't come out that like long ago like Was it an early November came? Oh, it's it's gonna blow up in the years to come phenomenal success.

Mike Macdermid 35:37

I think the fact that they keep updating stuff and giving you new tracks to play and I think that's, that's where they're doing what I wish they would do more of with Mario Kart on the switch, you know, but hey, I can understand why it's monetized and all the rest of it. So I

Al Struthers 35:50

saw me so selling us video game.

Mike Macdermid 35:52

I know. I know. But, you know, it's Nintendo.

Unknown Speaker 35:55

It's it's card nine milcom Yeah.

Mike Macdermid 35:58

2021 according to Bloomberg Next up Nintendo published fitness boxing is sold half just over a year just over half a million copies worldwide. I I know that you didn't spot this one until I only did recently because I saw someone talking about it. Kind of cool that we have a fitness title. But I guess with the ring fit, maybe that's kind of overtaken everything else in the fitness element Alster.

Al Struthers 36:26

Yeah, I think this one came back it came out at the beginning of the year. What I found is I was completely oblivious resistance but it came out in about January I think of this year. And it's it's interesting, I watched the trailer for it and it's very much aimed at a certain gender demographic, shall we say? All right, the whole advert was was about two and a half minutes. I think there's a picture of man for about five seconds. Okay. The rest is all girls punching in the air and as a girl and reader it's it's, they know who their audience was for it. Okay, but it looks like quite good gaming certain looks. You get a good workout but ring fit. I think it's certainly still in the White White when it comes to exercise games for the switch

Mike Macdermid 37:03

yet will you be adding it to your daily routine on

Anton Winters 37:06

I think similarly ranked football I'm just amazed that this was an Official Nintendo published tail and that just flew under the radar and I wonder if it was almost like the they saw a need to have some fitness we style games on the switch or whatever it was but I'm curious to see close with a cow sales numbers like that for what appears to be a relatively low cost game to make. I'm curious to see if they'll do some further fitness cell games.

Mike Macdermid 37:37

I think if they could do more and tie them in somehow with the ring I think that would be the way to go for me. I'm actually more intrigued about by the ring fit know that James is going to bring his over so we can have a shot. So when we try that someone else don't have a bra. No, you played a bit of it, but we'll

Al Struthers 37:53

probably competitively together.

Mike Macdermid 37:54

That sounds fun. Next up, mother three is getting a vinyl release. Now this doesn't mean you who cut your record player The switch does and on.

Anton Winters 38:01

Sadly No. I believe it's Sony records are doing a brand new pressing of the mother free soundtrack. It's called transparent and read supplier design. It's fascinating to see that this game has enough demand for vinyl soundtracks to be made but not enough demand for them to do an English translation and just shelf a Gameboy Advance game on the east.

Mike Macdermid 38:23

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. All right, I'm going to move through the next news items so we can move on to the rumours because there are a few to get through so I'm going to fire through some of these next up in Japan the switches know sold more consoles than the PlayStation three with 10.25 million consoles. Just a big well done to the switch in Japan. That's a phenomenal amount.

Al Struthers 38:42

Yeah, so sold the PlayStation I think 200 or 200,000 units. Right. That's great.

Mike Macdermid 38:47

PlayStation three is one as well. It's been been around for a long time and you know, still some people will pick up a ps3 you know, even up until now that long. Yeah, cuz you know, so yeah. Anton. Similarly,

Anton Winters 38:59

yeah, they've been We had an eight year lifespan. So it really shows the forward momentum we're going to be having with a switch.

Mike Macdermid 39:05

Yeah. Next up new screenshots of Animal Crossing New Horizons featuring New Mexican outfits and new eyes and noses. So Animal Crossing we're getting in March. I'm surprised we haven't had another direct Anton just about animal crossing.

Anton Winters 39:19

Yeah, I feel like they're going to the first rate of 2020. It's going to be an animal crossing direct. And everybody's going to be disappointed and start screaming. Yeah, absolutely an animal crossing fan of course.

Mike Macdermid 39:29

Next up, we've got Nintendo online updates. Now, this is some cool news. So the snares Finally we have some new snez games added to the collection, which is fantastic. And interestingly, they've added Starfox to now, I was always under the impression that that was going to be exclusive to the many, many, many, and I have a snare as many and and as many and I don't care because it means I don't have to, you know, I could just play on the switch. But I wonder if some people are going to be

Al Struthers 40:00

Well be I'm just smirking at it. I never bought switch mini lesson as many I wanted one. Now I don't need one.

Mike Macdermid 40:07

We've also got Kirby superstar which a lot of people are really excited about super punch out to which is a good one and Breath of Fire to on the snares on the nethers journey to soleus chrysalis and Japan only from Famicom wars on Route 16 on the news in Japan and on some decent titles in there.

Anton Winters 40:24

Yeah, especially in the Super Nintendo site. I think for the short we well we've got plenty of good Super Nintendo games coming our way. I think we're starting to run low on a lot of the big heavy hair nice games so whoever finally called calm wars on the family calm and Japanese store as a fabulous title. A little bit hard if you don't know Japanese, but you can count fumble your way for it. co

Mike Macdermid 40:47

was playing new games there to go and check out and next up David x micronauts. Just got a free Witcher three DLC pack. I saw this. There was some new costumes in there a little bit of a crossover. We've seen this before with Zelda for But kind of cool on Sunday, if you're funded the game

Anton Winters 41:03

definitely I think it's amazing to see I believe his name is Cheryl the main protagonists of The Witcher and Kalfa sales shady count breath the wild esque art sale I To be honest, I look at it and I'm like, Whoa, like calculations, they just did that for the Witcher free and just swapped out the assets to make it look a little bit more artsy rather. Yeah.

Mike Macdermid 41:22

Little puck. No, absolutely. Next up gunslinger California is is on the 10th of December. Interesting thing about California is because we know it's a game that has been at previously, I was worried about the price point I think it's about 1799 on the switch, which I think is very reasonable for which is a decent a decent title, which was very well reviewed the first time and a lot of people might have missed it on the Xbox 360. And it's coming out in just a couple of days time from when we're recording. You're just double checking that it's 1799 1799

Al Struthers 41:49

not a bad price.

Mike Macdermid 41:52

Until I think that's a good price for that kind of tightly.

Anton Winters 41:54

I won't lie I do have a tradition of just going out and killing violence on the Black Friday. Sales and black Boxing Day sales and this is just one I'm adding to my bullet point list to keep my eyes open for a cause yeah at is even then if it's not on sale out to school Why not? I am I

Al Struthers 42:12

was money to burn while I've added it to my watch list as well because similar reasons next up ashen was comes out in December the ninth is the kind of Dark Souls inspired get even more than inspired it is pretty much it's not I'm not gonna go as far as seclude but it uses exactly the same control mechanisms that is basically the same idea for a game they've changed the graphics a little bit some cool opportunity,

Mike Macdermid 42:35

I hope is not as hard.

Unknown Speaker 42:37

No apparently is just as brutal,

Al Struthers 42:39

right? But it does look interesting. It's it won't have much more to say about it. I'm intrigued to see what comes out but Co Op action RPG

Mike Macdermid 42:47

I like the core faction. I think that's where it can be fun even you know tough titles, when you've got someone else to grind that with probably helps and on.

Anton Winters 42:56

Yeah, one lie. I'm just I'm just saying They're hard games me to have law patients

Mike Macdermid 43:04

yeah it's probably I with my capabilities but is one if you are Dark Souls fine you might want to go check it out next up river bond from Coco cucumber. Great name 124 player Co Op shoot and slash game that comes out on the 10th of December

Al Struthers 43:19

was quite fun that one yeah it's kind of quirky is I would describe it as another one of these kind of blocky box art type stuff you know? Yeah like Minecraft But no, it looks You know, it looks down pokemon pokemon game. I spawn mobile came on switch

Mike Macdermid 43:37

whatever it was called the free one that you got

Al Struthers 43:39

the free on you on the switch. It looks a bit like that very similar style, but it just looks frantic and fun and cute.

Mike Macdermid 43:44

Yeah, yeah, well, that's coming out on the 10th of December so you can check that one out. Next up a game that I am actually very intrigued by Anton This is black sad under the skin from pendulous Studios, wires interactive and microwaves. So it's a story and animal based detective game. And what I love about this is I love detective games and I love story driven games as well this looks really really good reminds me a lot of the kind of telltale kind of games on

Anton Winters 44:10

Ah, it's interesting you know that the Telltale Games did so well and it's interesting that very little should try to compete with them we had some stuff from Square Enix and so it's going to be nice to see some more teams go in there and try and innovate on that format especially as telltale are kind of just with us in spirit at the moment. And interesting Oh,

Mike Macdermid 44:32

well I'll be playing the Batman Telltale Games and I forgot how much I really love a telltale game when the story is well well

Al Struthers 44:40

done. It's just everything ought to be stories I'm into a game and this one looks like it's got him in bag was one was an award winner for the best is the action adventure game. The games come awards in 2019 and it just looks it looks so cool. It's kind of gritty, not really nor but kind of gritty detective setback and like the 99

Mike Macdermid 44:58

is kind of I think it's new or with a kind of that with the weird element with the movie animal Yeah,

Al Struthers 45:04

it looks beautiful. I can't wait to complete this game I suspect this is probably what happens I am actually going to go out and buy well Ryan just seeing it I'm actually gonna go and do it

Mike Macdermid 45:13

I think I probably will at some point as well because it does look fantastic. So I'm excited to see if it lives up to the height of the arsenal for blacks and on the skin comes at 1030 army we can see how you think is first. Right then it's time for us to move on to this week's rumours. First up, then we got a super monkey ball rumour. And this is set from the creator of Super Monkey Ball, my co shadow sarki and been talking about if there's enough support for banana Blitz HD then it will open doors for remaking the first two games or even a whole new title to the CDs I think that will be welcomed by a lot of people on

Anton Winters 45:53

especially the latter option because I believe they snap blitzes camp a compilation of some of this stuff from one and two HD. So those would be some very easy pork spot. And it would be interesting to have a new big super monkey ball game and especially with some new, more powerful hardware. And it's because, you know, the last game was less serious games were counting on gamecube esque hardware. So I would I would love a whole new game.

Mike Macdermid 46:20

Yeah, a lot of fun. I know you played it with the demo on YouTube live stream the the demo tricky. So I guess one of the things when you go back to game that is a bit older physics wise, it's quite good when they can go and do something from the ground up because it tends to be a little bit less awkward than maybe some of the older titles I think you were finding that when you until when you were playing it,

Anton Winters 46:42

yeah, you know, they gave you free lives and just say go as far as you can at which turns out isn't very far. But even even beyond there, there's there's some cool stuff like I know we've been saying this for every game and you know, why not? But rain fed venture just rotating the big massive rain you could squeeze it to to extend Right I can hear people cringing at this but you know I think this was a really good idea

Mike Macdermid 47:05

The thing is that there's no harm and you're right some people will cringe at the idea other people will love that idea and i think that's that's the beauty of the switches that you can you can have both and I think you bring I think if we get some more compatibility with games like that for the ring fit I think it would go down well could become a good investment right next up the console club there the store that leaked Assassin's Creed the rebel collection which I was telling you earlier has had great reviews this week in terms of the ports is very solid. They've just leaked Dragon Quest Heroes one and two collections so this is interesting and on Yeah, and

Anton Winters 47:37

I think let's keep subs are going to stop being getting their game release titles. Erlang Yeah, but they hero games were quite good. They were their mates and hosts at Square Enix but they were very much in the vein and sale of the Warriors games, but with a much more deep, deeper root RPG elements. And so a little account warriors, but a little bit less means less if you know me,

Mike Macdermid 48:02

thanks. But I'm going to tell you about a rumour that I saw this week, which I only saw it because I was looking up another game I was playing, but I saw quite a big rumour that we may be getting the Arkham collection Batman games on the switch. Really? Yeah, no, I see. a rumour it was based on a leak or a while back from a story which was taken down. So that you know, it's not, that wasn't the strongest part of that Kickstarter, and then a bunch of forums, there's a bunch of chat about it, saying that it would be a collection of the games that I think was already released on PlayStation four and Xbox and on but indeed, but yeah, there's a big rumour that that might happen in 2020. I would love that. Did you play them? And I played a bit of the first one, but no, I want to go and play them properly.

Al Struthers 48:50

completed all of them. They were really good games. Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 48:51

I know. I know. And that's why I want them to come to the switch, Anton.

Anton Winters 48:55

Oh, yes. I'm really excited for that because I never played them and how So haven't however I recently played the the spider man and Sony at game and very much that is called the Arkham sale combat sale situation I firstly enjoyed it. So I get into Kill, kill get to play the matroyshka and all the shaundra and we might find in deets and especially if it's part of a collection called break down that barrier to entry would be delightful.

Mike Macdermid 49:25

Yeah I'm really hoping that that does happen but it's one that was written about there's no there's no massively concrete sort of part of the rumour yet but it seems like there's a lot of circumstantial stuff in it it might make sense

Al Struthers 49:35

Well, we should keep our fingers crossed because you should play that game it is it is good to combat system as Anton said was really what made it yeah plus plays a dark knight is just cool.

Mike Macdermid 49:43

Yeah, I was looking up because I was playing the telltale Batman games which are a lot of fun. So next up, then several leaks suggest will be getting an exclusive seen premiere of Star Wars The rise of Skywalker live in fortnight. If any game can do it for Night can just because of the sheer numbers.

Anton Winters 50:02

Yeah, it's it's, it's weird the world we're living in, I thought we would have to wait until VR until we had this crazy stuff. But we had that live dead dead mouse concert. And now we're getting a live premiere. I don't quite understand the appeal. But and if you want some 12 year olds spinning around and crunched crouching in front of a virtual screen, and the future is here. Yeah, it's bizarre,

Mike Macdermid 50:27

but I think it could it be like, you know, in the early days of virtual reality Alistar when it was pretty terrible, but there was some good ideas there. It feels like that it feels like there's some good ideas in here. Okay, we can we can release something in here. We can do a concert in this game we can do. And it's not really developed enough that actually it's that practical, and people are gonna enjoy it, but maybe in the future and see more integration. It's cool. They're just testing it only sees to see what works and what doesn't mean it's a really great platform for doing test your massive audience and see how they work and how people react to them. Yeah, and we don't Talk about fortnight a lot because none of us but it is huge and and i think it's it's not fair to sort of write it off as just being Oh, it's just fortnight because actually, it's a huge, huge game. That takes a lot to really be good at as well.

Al Struthers 51:14

Yeah. What I want to know is how did this come about who approached Who?

Mike Macdermid 51:17

I just think that the fortnight has such a huge audience that they can approach almost anyone on time?

Anton Winters 51:23

Yeah. And as well so obviously they've done several collaborations with at Marvel Studios. So I'm actually it's just a case of they have a contact at Disney and, and whenever they've got something big to like to market and sell out. And I think Star Wars and adventures are probably on similar levels there like a can. Can you do something with this, please?

Mike Macdermid 51:46

Yeah, absolutely. All right. Next up on the LinkedIn profile of Giuseppe Giuliano, the CEO well pronounced. It's called watching a lot of football. financing. Italian footballers names, the tea, although I never remember I truly am But I mean, it could be a cruel jano but I suspect in my mind anyway doesn't matter. The team behind the remake of 13 which is the one with the Roman numerals has leaked out and announced Disney IP action game remake is coming to switch just remind me It's 13 out

Anton Winters 52:15

it's been too late till 2020 sadly okay

Mike Macdermid 52:18

yeah cuz I really want to go back and play 13 because I just think it looks just looks great and very cool cel shaded he kind of really kind of but not old school because it's test stood the test of time. What could this could this be then? Do you think

Anton Winters 52:32

Yeah, see? See At first I was like oh yeah, you know it could be Epic Mickey Mouse like all the All Star Wars it could be a Star Wars him and I was like, Oh, the the on the fox. It could be a Simpsons game. Could be literally anything. It could be an always sunny game at this point. Yeah.

Al Struthers 52:50

Yeah, I think you're right. It can be literally anything. I think the prevailing theory was Epic Mickey but who knows?

Mike Macdermid 52:56

Yeah, forgot all about Epic Mickey because that was a game. Was that mid 2000s on

Anton Winters 53:02

a Yeah, I believe that the first title came out and 2009 and then the sequel came out in 2012 as a launch title for the way you ran the first title was very well received over the second mom was falling apart at the same as basically

Mike Macdermid 53:18

Well, I would like to see where that goes but yeah, absolutely we don't really have enough of those titles and I think Kim what's the RPG the Kingdom Hearts as well I mean I know that's one that a lot of people have said Why isn't it on the switch and I think Kingdom Hearts is probably one that having never had any interest if it came to the switch again because I can play a handheld I probably be quite keen to try out because I love I love the characters anyway

Al Struthers 53:41

yeah I got a demo discover it years and years and years ago and Easter rate for I think was probably the union paper or something like that. disk in school and review and practice is nonsense Disney and it didn't give it a chance and I really wish I had because it got so well reviewed everywhere else.

Mike Macdermid 53:55

Yeah. And it's, it's again such a huge love for that franchise. So

Al Struthers 54:00

Okay, well before we move on to the quiz, yeah, have you guys seen Nintendo doing an advent calendar this year? And I don't mean a physical one I mean a digital one what was the what

Mike Macdermid 54:07


Al Struthers 54:08

So I got an email from Nintendo yesterday, making this morning I thought was a bit late to the party since we're now on the eighth of December. And but yeah, if you got intend to just type into Google, Nintendo festive gaming calendar, there is a big advent calendar on Nintendo's on page and every day they're doing different giveaways. It's not really a giveaway but you click on it and they'll say entered in there you will giving away 20 copies of Splatoon two or the giveaway an actual switch light bundle on the first all right and it looks like on the advent calendar there's certain days with characters on them which are sort of the bigger days so on the sick for example, the giveaway Zelda a couple of links awakening like a really nice attractive box anything so it's well worth doing it Google and Nintendo festive given calendar and have a look check

Mike Macdermid 54:52

so I'm assuming you just log in as normal and you just go

Al Struthers 54:55

Yeah, you gotta Linga to Nintendo Ok. Ok, but so long as you got Nintendo Can you can you can register Trying to win cool stuff for your switch

Mike Macdermid 55:01

to try and check out.

Al Struthers 55:03

Today's one is Splatoon too

Mike Macdermid 55:06

excellent. Do they give you like something if you don't get that do you get like a

Al Struthers 55:09

little kind of me you get nothing. You just get your busier you winner you chance to win it. Yeah. Okay,

Mike Macdermid 55:13

cool. That's fun. Okay, let's move on then to this week's quiz.

Unknown Speaker 55:19

Any questions?

Mike Macdermid 55:20

So Anton, you while you're, you're fast coming to the end of your 10 years quiz the Magnus Magnusson of the of the podcast. But we will we will be doing at once again. It's myself against Alistair. We've had some epic battles over the last few weeks. You're getting warmer James last week as well.

Al Struthers 55:36

I know I know. Indeed. Very good.

Mike Macdermid 55:38

We think we got them all in the first clue. You say we

Al Struthers 55:41

I think what you mean is James.

Mike Macdermid 55:43

No, I'm not sure.

Al Struthers 55:46

I got the last one. But James was quick off the mark the first day.

Mike Macdermid 55:49

Yeah, it was quick off the mark for the last one. But yes, so

Anton Winters 55:53

getting getting late there. I see all my grey hairs but I think we should just jump into this. Alright let's do what the first title so this first title is a space trading and combat simulator released and developed by a consultant for the BBC Micro an Acorn Electron.

Mike Macdermid 56:13

Wow micro that is that is going back some

Anton Winters 56:18

What are you doing to see? I get to be evil no cause Okay,

Mike Macdermid 56:22

is it

Anton Winters 56:24

is it a space wars? sadly not the title

Al Struthers 56:30

good loves Captain makeup random titles here and call it

Anton Winters 56:34


Unknown Speaker 56:35


Anton Winters 56:37

No satellite, the game Next one. This game is credited for being one of the longest running video game franchise franchisees with I recently released a sequel that was crowdfunded and which was released on Xbox, Xbox One ps4 and PC with VR support.

Unknown Speaker 56:59

Oh Oh God, I played this game I own

Unknown Speaker 57:02

this game Starcraft No,

Al Struthers 57:04

it's not Starcraft unless it says nope it's no Starcraft

Anton Winters 57:07

fits. Oh I'm sorry it was also released on the spectrum ms x converter and triads, all the big popular computers

Al Struthers 57:18

I got this game on my PC at home It is installed and I have a friend who spends hours and hours and hours and hours and hours days to find space to go and pick up stuff from like mining colonies and bring it back and map new star charts and I can't for the life of me think what is all this can really annoy me

Mike Macdermid 57:35

at this point. I don't think I've ever played this game

Anton Winters 57:40

seems like something you would play it was one of the does selling space from games so Wow, my mind is so blank right now I

Al Struthers 57:47

just want to go there's a computer for me. I want to google it just to get the name because I know what it is right.

Anton Winters 57:52

Next names click. This game was famous for having pretty wireframe

Mike Macdermid 57:59

graphics and I know it is now and I can't think of the title

Anton Winters 58:02

had several sequels, and one in 1993 on the caf Atari ST era, and one in 1985 for the windows era, and then the final title and on the Xbox One and ps4.

Al Struthers 58:22

I'm literally sitting here holding my head. I'm just willing the name to go into

Mike Macdermid 58:25

GAVI in the title.

Anton Winters 58:26

It does not No, no, I can see the pain in your eyes this great

Mike Macdermid 58:33

anger in his eyes,

Al Struthers 58:34

so much anger in my face right now. What is it called? Is it it's got to be something really two parts. So the name isn't it?

Anton Winters 58:46

No, it does not. Oh, one word. five letters, five letters, one word. And

Mike Macdermid 58:57

it's Oh, I know. I am Okay, I'm spectrum title. I don't know why I don't I

Al Struthers 59:03

see jog my memory what is it was the first letter of

Anton Winters 59:06

the first life? Okay. I'll give you the next clue and kept Fillion. So this the also had a tie in book release that called the title of the game starting with an E and the subtitle the dark wheel

Mike Macdermid 59:24

a new is any because I'm thinking Empire but I don't think its empire its

Anton Winters 59:35

columns can be screaming at me right now then the most recent title and the franchise had the subtitle at dangerous

Al Struthers 59:44

it was the one where you could go down to two planets I know exactly what is I get just

Unknown Speaker 59:50

Shall we give it away? I'm gonna have to give up please put me out of my misery.

Unknown Speaker 59:55

elite force elite. Oh, that's the one who's Elite Dangerous courses Salute

Mike Macdermid 1:00:00

when you said the Spectre Mac attack is it I could picture exactly what it was I never really played elite to be honest.

Al Struthers 1:00:06

I got on Steam if I log into it right now you can see it's there. I own the game. My brain.

Mike Macdermid 1:00:12

Yeah, what happens when you record in a Sunday evening?

Anton Winters 1:00:15

I know. That's a problem.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:16

So anyway, no soda. No, no, no, no,

Anton Winters 1:00:19

no, no. We do that. No. One of us gets the name. Yeah. First off just 10 clues. Okay, this next hail as part of a very big long running franchise by Electronic Arts, starting in 1994 FIFA

Unknown Speaker 1:00:38


Anton Winters 1:00:42

this game was presented by the race, car magazine, road and track Need for Speed. You haven't Alistar for speed on the free to interactive system.

Mike Macdermid 1:00:57

Yeah, well done. I didn't think I didn't realise it went back that far cuz I think of PlayStation era but yeah it would have I guess was

Unknown Speaker 1:01:05

a long long time ago yeah

Anton Winters 1:01:07

yeah excellent well done those original ones are fantastic for just kill the round on the ps1 but they never quite felt like ps1 games.

Mike Macdermid 1:01:15

Yeah, yeah no I don't you mean I say titles well done.

Al Struthers 1:01:19

Thank you I'm so annoyed le dangerous

Anton Winters 1:01:23

so this forward slash second game that you can get points upon as a RPG released in 2006 for Windows PlayStation three and Xbox 360 fable sadly not the game

Mike Macdermid 1:01:44

RPG violin Oh,

Al Struthers 1:01:47

I don't think I played any RPG is by them and so none of them are coming to mind No, no I'm just gonna go with baba baba was a cold again Skyrim was gonna go that I know it wasn't that's like 10 years after that I'm just gonna go with Elder Scrolls Yeah. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:04

well, oblivion. Oh,

Anton Winters 1:02:07

there you go, mate. Keep going. Hey, well done. Good job.

Mike Macdermid 1:02:10

He said Skyrim I thought I know what this is.

Anton Winters 1:02:14

Alrighty, so for this final title. Yeah. We have a current generation title released and developed by Ubisoft, Quebec.

Mike Macdermid 1:02:29

Ubisoft, Quebec,

Al Struthers 1:02:31

Assassin's Creed and Osiris. Yeah, Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed. Let's go I'm gonna go to really read the Egyptian one

Mike Macdermid 1:02:40

no just three

Anton Winters 1:02:44

as an assassin's creed so I don't know. Come on. Back Black Flag. Sadly sadly, not the title for

Al Struthers 1:03:00

Gonna be one of the ones of the name by Liberation's? No, they're all two new old even

Mike Macdermid 1:03:05

No, no, because

Al Struthers 1:03:06

it'd be one of the weird generation, which means it's one of those

Mike Macdermid 1:03:09

current generation. Yeah, but they've all come out in the switch recently. Yeah, but

Al Struthers 1:03:12

that's not what he's getting at. I don't think.

Anton Winters 1:03:14

Yeah, sadly. Okay, next, Hulu. This game was roller for having come out on the Nintendo Switch via streaming on a C, and D. This week.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:29

And I was just going through

Al Struthers 1:03:30

every assignment. My brain wasn't thinking of a single name this one Assassin's Creed blank.

Anton Winters 1:03:35

I was worried there for a second because I was like, Oh, yeah, he's will remember this because we chatted about it was then I think

Mike Macdermid 1:03:40

what threw me was the current gen thing. I'm thinking how is that really? Is there any relation to the switch? Because normally, Anton's games have either Okay, they're old so they might come up with the switch or if it's cut and Jamie doesn't tend to go for ones that aren't switch but because that stream to Japan, you could stream all sense of the rules. He's just going for it. Just Just forget any boundaries and like to exist in the

Anton Winters 1:03:58

past. One Piece of

Mike Macdermid 1:04:04

broken face from that but now well done on time. That was a good quiz. I enjoyed that. That was really good and well done Mike. Yeah, well well done you for you. Would you shoot a got a lead Really? But so

Al Struthers 1:04:15

you don't almost call a draw? No, no, we can.

Mike Macdermid 1:04:18

All right. Well, that is that is it for this week's podcast. We are back next week. We've also got some mess. But I think next week is going to be our final official

Anton Winters 1:04:26

episode. Isn't it? insane? season one finale. It's crazy. I think we've I think that's coming close to our one year anniversary, which is that it is yes. Yeah, we're gonna leave on a cliffhanger. I know. You do that

Mike Macdermid 1:04:38

season ending Yeah, we'll we'll reveal a game but not tell you what we're talking about. Until season two. And then of course, we'll have a couple of specials. We've got an A an awards session.

Al Struthers 1:04:49

You can already have Yeah,

Mike Macdermid 1:04:51

yeah. It's it's gonna be we're gonna let people hear that between sort of Chris just for a second. There. Anyway, around about December the 15th. I think this is 22nd ish. We'll have that and then after that some exciting stuff which we will come on to in due course. But that is it for another episode. Just a quick reminder hiccups now, just a quick reminder, until where can you find us take over from it, please?

Anton Winters 1:05:15

Yes, you can get us at NSU ki We have an email at podcast at NSU Twitter and issue Kate podcasts. And similarly on Facebook and we've also got YouTube. You can find all the details about us at our websites and feel free to get in contact with us. We'd love at all

Al Struthers 1:05:38

any of the weekend right? Just let it put it up the chimney just make sure it goes to us about Santa.

Mike Macdermid 1:05:42

Yeah, absolutely. He's got enough to worry about. And also just a quick reminder as well. Apple podcasts, leave us a review if you like the show,

Al Struthers 1:05:49

five stars. You've all been so good. You know this year.

Mike Macdermid 1:05:52

Reviews is great and will always read them. I will absolutely do that. So thank you so much. That is it for this week. We will see you next week. For a final Episode of the year, although there will be more but final episode finale official

Anton Winters 1:06:05

of relevant news,

Mike Macdermid 1:06:06

the relevant Yes exactly. Until then, goodbye for me. Cheerio for me

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